
mǔ bǎn
  • mother set;master mask
母版[mǔ bǎn]
  1. 指定模板是否支持web项目的母版页。

    Specifies whether the template supports a master page for web projects .

  2. 当该内容页创建自己的master属性时,属性的类型被设置为引用的母版页。

    When the page creates its master property , the property is typed to the referenced master page .

  3. 如果要使用默认母版页内容,可以在“设计”视图中右击content控件,然后单击“默认为母版页的内容”。

    If you want to use the default master page content instead , in design view you can right-click the content control and click Default to master 's content .

  4. publisher无法从母版页创建新母版页。

    Publisher cannot create a master page from a master page .

  5. 将与母版页上的contentplaceholder控件相对应的content控件添加到该页上。

    Add content controls to the page that correspond to contentplaceholder controls on the master page .

  6. 在开发网站时要保持页面风格的一致性,使用了DIV+CSS和母版页等技术,另外还应用到了WEB技术来发布网站,从而使网站得以运行。

    Development site in the page style to maintain consistency , the use of DIV + CSS and master page technology , also applied to the WEB technology to release sites , so that the site can be run .

  7. 这样的话,使用这个母版页的内容页面可以使用这个内容控件来添加其自己的Web部件,并且映射到相应的ContentPlaceholder控件中。

    This way , content pages that use this Master Page can add their own Web Parts using Content controls that map onto the respective ContentPlaceHolder control .

  8. 目前影视制作公司正在把2K版本的电影放进蓝光光碟里面,在推销的时候说母版是4K或拍摄的时候是4K。

    For now , studios are putting 2K versions of movies on Blu-ray discs and promoting them as mastered or filmed in 4K .

  9. 若要将母版页附加到多个网页,请在“文件夹列表”中单击要将其附加到的各个网页的同时按住ctrl。

    To attach the master page to more than one page , in the folder list , hold down Ctrl while you click each page that you want to attach it to .

  10. 对于普通的aspx文件,公用站点元素存放在母版页中,它基本上是对aspx文件中HTML片段的包装。

    With normal aspx files , common site elements are stored in Master Pages . A Master Page is essentially a wrapper around the HTML contained in the aspx file .

  11. 创建OdfStyleMasterPage对象,其中我们必须指定母版页名称和布局样式名称。

    Create an object of OdfStyleMasterPage , where we must specify the name of this master page and the name of the layout style .

  12. 除了显示绿色背景以及重写了基类型中定义的mytitle属性外,它与第一个母版页相同。

    It is the same as the first master page , except that it displays a green background , and it overrides the mytitle property that is defined in the base type .

  13. 演示文档由多个幻灯片组成,所以下一步是用newDrawPageElement方法(MasterPageStyleName)创建OdfDrawPage对象,这里我们可以指定母版页。

    A presentation document is composed of slides , so the next step is to create an object of OdfDrawPage with the newDrawPageElement method ( MasterPageStyleName ), where we can specify a master page .

  14. 控件只能插入到幻灯片和母版中。

    Controls can only be inserted on slides and their masters .

  15. 具有高清晰度三维图像的模压全息图母版制作技术

    Technique of Making 3D Master Holograms with High Resolution for Embossing

  16. 您必须为此母版页键入页标识。

    You must type a page ID for this master page .

  17. 动感像素全息母版图案的设计制作研究

    Study on Special Effective Pattern Designing for Dot-matrix Hologram Mastering

  18. 现在您可以修改并重命名该母版页。

    You can now modify and then rename this page .

  19. 打开设计母版并在打开该副本之前进行同步。

    Open the Design Master and sync to this replica before opening .

  20. 在本节中,将首先创建一个母版页。

    In this section , you will first create a master page .

  21. 操作对此母版无效。

    This operation not valid on this type of master .

  22. 新母版页将在“源”视图中打开。

    The new master page is opened in source view .

  23. 您可能想要尝试母版页的其他功能。

    You might want to experiment with additional features of master pages .

  24. 母版幻灯片不含任何放映效果。

    Master slides do not have any slide show effects .

  25. 无法再向该演示文稿中添加母版。

    No more masters can be added to this presentation .

  26. 在副本集中存在两个“设计母版”。

    There are two Design Masters in the replica set .

  27. 母版页定义了页面的组成元素。

    The master page defines the elements that make up the page .

  28. 母版页提供内容的模板。

    The master page provides the template for your content .

  29. 可使用该指令指向一个特定的母版页。

    The directive allows you to point to a specific master page .

  30. 在“编辑母版页”任务窗格中,单击“新建母版页”。

    In the Edit Master Pages task pane , click new master page .