
  1. 很多母亲像林佳敏这样,缺乏正规的教育。

    Many of the mothers , like Lin , lack formal education .

  2. 他边说话边摇头,母亲像石块一样坐在他身旁。

    He talked and tossed , and his mother sat stonily by his side .

  3. 为了能保住她的孩子,这位母亲像老虎一样凶猛搏斗。

    The mother fought like a tiger to be able to keep her children .

  4. 因此在镇上,母亲像一个被人难以看到的幽灵,许多人都渐渐地把她淡忘了。

    As a result , in my hometown my mother looked like a spirit who was so difficult to see as to go step by step out of most people 's mind .

  5. 母亲像一个女巫似的披散着花白头发,尖叫着满屋乱撞,“啊,这个魔鬼居然跑到这儿来迷惑我的女儿啦。”

    The mother rushed around the house , screaming , with her grey hair flying loose like a very witch . " Ah ! that fiend has even got in here to bewitch my girl for me . "

  6. 没有别的母亲能像您这样。

    No other mom could be a mother like you are .

  7. 小女孩用油彩画了一幅她母亲的像。

    The little girl painted a picture of her mother .

  8. 总会想起你那过世的母亲她像你一样

    and I am reminded of your dearly departed mother who , like you ,

  9. 不要比你母亲还像成年人好么。

    Stop being more grown-up than your mom .

  10. 未婚母亲不再像从前那样带着社会污名。

    Being an unmarried mother no longer carties the social stigma that it used to .

  11. 她又像母亲又像孩子,在所有的白天和夜晚。

    She 'll be a mother and a child , sacrifice her days and nights .

  12. 吉母性格开朗,不像母亲,像他父亲。

    In his cheerful nature , Jim takes after his father rather than his mother .

  13. 阿克巴.汗没有接受过正规的教育,却拥有另一种的智慧。这点和我的母亲很像。

    Like my mother , Akbar Khan may not have had much of a formal education , but he had another kind of wisdom .

  14. 我是说一些母亲还像新娘样忙着找新丈夫。丈夫像新郎样找新妻子。

    They 're so , I mean still the ladies are , the Mothers are still like brides , you know busy finding new husbands .

  15. 秋风扫落叶,枯黄的树叶离开了养育它的母亲,像一只只蝴蝶翩翩起舞,滑入河中。

    The autumn wind sweeps the fallen leaf , the withered and yellow leaf left has raised it the mother , liked an only butterfly to dance lightly , slides into in the river .

  16. 安琪尔转身去找克里克太太送给他的血肠,他已经吩咐按照在奶牛场烤血肠的方法把它们好好地烤一烤,他希望他的父亲和母亲能像他自己一样,非常喜欢这种加了香料的美味血肠。

    Angel looked round for Mrs Crick 's black-puddings , which he had directed to be nicely grilled , as they did them at the dairy , and of which he wished his father and mother to appreciate the marvellous herbal savours as highly as he did himself .

  17. 既像母亲,又像女儿。

    I guess it 's like mother , like daughter .

  18. 憨,你母亲听上去像个冷酷…

    Han , your mother sounds like one cold --

  19. 你是这么说的,斯蒂芬回答道,哦,只不过是迪达勒斯呗,他母亲死得像头畜生。

    You said , Stephen answered , O , it 's only Dedalus whose mother is beastly dead .

  20. 在他们有了他们的学生并且是看护之后,我们的贫穷母亲狗看起来像无毛的鼠一样。

    After they had their pups and were nursing , our poor mother dogs looked like hairless rats .

  21. 最近我成为了一名母亲,或者像我的小家伙不停叫着的,“妈~妈~”,从早到晚。

    And most recently , I became a mom , or as my toddler says repeatedly , " Mom ! " day and night .

  22. 她告诉我她无论如何也无法明白她的父母,尤其是她的母亲为什么不能像她那样,愿意花尽可能多的时间陪伴自己的孩子。

    She told me that she can never understand how her parents , her mother in particular , could not have wanted to spend as much quality time with her and she does with her daughter .

  23. 她母亲很漂亮,像个电影明星,

    her mother was beautiful actually . like a movie star .

  24. 她更像她母亲而不太像她父亲。

    She bears a much stronger likeness to her mother than to her father .

  25. 我母亲照料这个孤儿像自己孩子一样。

    My mother locked after the orphan as if he were her own child .

  26. 她母亲的面孔,像她说的那样,充满惊恐,完全扭曲。

    His mother 's face , as she said , was a frightened , broken face .

  27. 这种情况不会有很大的改变,即使当母亲的人也像父亲一样需要在外工作讨生计。

    This situation has not changed dramatically even though more women are having paid jobs like men .

  28. 母亲的德行,像父亲的罪过一样,其报应有时也会落在孩子们的身上。

    The virtue of mother shall occasionally be visit upon the children as well as the sin of the father .

  29. 因此,土地就是我们人类共同的母亲,人们应像珍惜生命一样地珍惜土地。

    Therefore , the people should treasure land as same as they treasure lives , the land is the mother of the humanity .

  30. 年轻一代的母亲们并不愿像她们的父辈那样工作:早上孩子没起床就出门,晚上孩子上了床才到家。

    The younger generation of mothers does not want to work like the older generation of fathers : leaving home before the children are up and returning only when they are safely in bed .