
  • 网络Ju ming
  1. 有澳大利亚著名艺术家悉尼诺兰爵士(sirsidneynolan)的一幅巨大风景画,还有台湾当代艺术家朱铭创作的两件青铜太极雕塑。

    As well as a huge landscape by Sir Sidney Nolan of mountains in southern China there are two bronze Tai Chi sculptures by the contemporary Taiwanese artist Ju Ming .

  2. 朱铭的艺术探索,其精神、其方向、其形式,奠定了一个崭新的发展方向;

    His global recognition has opened up new directions for sculpture 's future development through his own exploration .

  3. 朱铭及张大千也同样的希望,他们的雕刻与字画,能有朝一日进入故宫博物馆,与古代名人的作品一并展示。

    Zhu Ming and Zhang Daqian also wish their carving and painting works would be exhibited with the ancient works in the national museum .

  4. 朱铭表示,进驻卡尔加里是工商银行拓展海外市场的全球举措的一部分。

    ICBC ( Canada ) CEO Zhu noted the move to Calgary comes as part of a global effort by the bank to grow overseas .

  5. 我们看到朱铭在历来的艺术创作中不断地突破自我、再创巅峰,除了作品中一贯对「人」的关怀,同时也是艺术家对于中国传统儒道精神的不断追求与再延续。

    In addition to Ju 's expressive concern for'man'and his nature , he also endlessly conveys his inherited spirit of Confucian and Daoism to create innovative and beautiful works .