
  • 网络Chinese literature;overseas Chinese literature;Literature in Chinese
  1. 她的多部作品都在海内外华文文学研究界引起了广泛的关注和持续的热评。

    Many works of hers have received wide attention and continuous comment from people in the field of Chinese literature research both at home and abroad .

  2. 南洋本土的汉语书写:东南亚华文文学的族性言说

    The Ethnic Characteristic : The Local Voice of South-East-Asia Chinese literature

  3. 泰国华文文学的文化特质及与政治之关系

    The Culture Feature of Tai-Hua Literature and its Relationship with Politics

  4. 美国华文文学中的大陆女性形象

    The Image of Mainland Chinese Woman in the Chinese American Literature

  5. 左翼文学思潮和世界华文文学

    The left-wing literary trend and Chinese literature of the world

  6. 世界华文文学资料的收集

    On the Development of Chinese Literature Worldwide and the Relevant Collection Development

  7. 20世纪中后期美国华文文学的主题比较研究

    Comparative Study on Subjects of American Chinese Literature Since 1950s

  8. 论新加坡华文文学的文化取向

    On the Cultural Direction of the Chinese Literature of Singapore

  9. 文化碰撞中的文化认同与困境&从林语堂看海外华文文学研究中的有关问题

    Cultural Identification and Puzzles & A Look into Overseas Chinese Literature Study

  10. 那时新马华文文学作品有两个主要的主题。

    As for Chinese , we read more writings in the literary .

  11. 在北美华文文学中,沙石是个较为特殊的作家。

    Sha Shi is a very unique North-American Chinese writer .

  12. 马来西亚华文文学较为重视与强调本土传统;

    Malaysian literature in Chinese gives special emphasis on the local tradition .

  13. 海外华文文学研究方法转换论

    On the Conversion of Research Approaches of Overseas Chinese Literature

  14. 新加坡华文文学语言的城市特征鲜明。

    Singapore Chinese literature is characterized by its urban culture .

  15. 论菲律宾华文文学对中原文化的坚守与传承

    On Philippine Chinese literature 's persistence and inheritance of central China culture

  16. 网络华文文学刍议

    A study on internet literature in Chinese language Networking NETWORK

  17. 全球化背景中菲律宾华文文学的文化取向

    Cultural Orientation of Chinese Literature in the Philippines in the Context of Globalization

  18. 世纪之交:海外华文文学的回顾与展望

    Reviews and Prospects of Overseas Chinese Literature at the Turn of Two Centuries

  19. 华文文学的总体渐进与分体新变

    The Generally Gradual Advancement of Chinese Literature and New Changes of Its Varieties

  20. 论美国华文文学中的留学生题材小说&以於梨华、查建英、严歌苓为例

    On Overseas Students Fiction of Chinese Literature in America

  21. 试论北美新华文文学的研究价值

    The Significance in the Study of New Overseas Chinese Writings in North America

  22. 东南亚旧石器时代文化文化属性意识与东南亚华文文学研究

    Consciousness of Cultural Attribute and Study of Southeast Asian Literature in Chinese Language

  23. 《华文文学》杂志对马华文学的传播与研究

    On the Spread and Study of Malaysian Chinese Literature in the Journal Chinese Literature

  24. 鲁迅及其作品在南洋地区华文文学中的影响述论

    The Effect of LuXun and his works on the Chinese Literature in Malay Archipelago

  25. 东南亚华文文学与种族想象

    South-East Asian Chinese Literature and Racial Imagination

  26. 摘要东南亚华文文学具有显著的民族寓言的性质。

    South-East-Asia Chinese literature bears one obvious characteristic : the role of an ethnic fable .

  27. 东南亚华文文学,是海外华文文学的重要组成部分。

    The South-east Asian Chinese Literature is an important part of the overseas Chinese Literature .

  28. 诗学视野中的北美新华文文学的文化进程

    The Cultural Progress of North America New Overseas Chinese Writing in the Vision of Poetics

  29. 新移民文学是近几年来华文文学研究新的生长点和热点。

    New immigrant literature is a new key point and hotspot in Chinese literature now .

  30. 我相信它可以助我一臂之力,引导我走进美丽又广阔的华文文学天地。

    It would have facilitated my entry into the beautiful and bountiful world of Chinese literature .