
  • 网络Huaduo;WALDO
  1. 我也激动的快僵了,但是华多

    I 'm totally psyched about this , too.But , Wardo ?

  2. 跨国日化公司在华多品牌策略分析

    Analysis on Multi-brand Strategy Taken by TNC of Daily Chemical Industry in China

  3. 华多,这就是一个终极俱乐部而我们就像俱乐部主席

    Wardo , it 's like a final club , except we 're the president .

  4. 韩霖是明末著名的天主教徒,与当时在华传教士多有交游。

    Han Lin was a famous catholic in the late Ming Dynasty who was friendly with many missionaries in China at that time .

  5. 我希望华文报刊多提供投稿机会。

    I hope that the Chinese press could offer more avenues for people to get their writing published .

  6. 华财号多用途拖船轮机设计特点及新技术的应用

    The characteristics of the propulsion system of the multipurpose tug " hua cai " and the application of the new technology

  7. 那就是以往的华文使用者多不谙英文,必须靠华文华语思考和沟通,普遍程度自然高。

    In the past , most people who used the Chinese language were not literate in English and relied on the former to think and communicate , thus , the more widespread use of Chinese .

  8. 治疗组在对于倦怠乏力、腰膝酸软、气短懒言、手足畏寒、面色无华、大便频多的症状改善方面发现治疗组明显优于对照组(P0.05)。

    In the improvement of symptomatic : fatigue , weak waist , shortness of breath , chills , lazy word , lustreless face , stool frequency were more improved significantly better than the control group ( P0.05 ) .

  9. 专家的理论根据是:一、华文的使用者多;二、中国的市场吸引力强。

    Their reasons : the huge number of Chinese-speakers , and the powerful attraction of China 's market .