
  • 网络The Metaphysical Poetry
  1. 约翰·多恩(1572&1631)是英国十七世纪玄学派诗歌的代表人物。

    John Donne ( 1572 & 1631 ) was the representative of metaphysical poetry in the seventeenth century in Britian .

  2. 第二节从17世纪英国的社会文化环境及文学发展的规律来阐释英国玄学派诗歌的成因。

    The social and cultural environment in England in the 17th-century and the law of literary development are the main causes of the appearance of the Metaphysical Poetry .

  3. 英国玄学派诗歌与中国玄言诗的不同玄机

    Different Essence of English Metaphysics Poetry and Chinese Xuan Poetry

  4. 英国十七世纪的玄学派诗歌与中国东晋时期的玄言诗不仅在名称上非常接近,在历史背景上亦有相似之处。

    English Metaphysics Poetry and Chinese Xuan Poetry are similar not only in the term of name but also background .

  5. 带着这样的思索,本文尝试以现代主义语境为背景,约翰·多恩的诗歌为文本研究对象,以期探索玄学派诗歌在现代主义语境下复活和经典化的发生学逻辑。

    Inspired by these thoughts , my present paper tries to explore the reason of its revival and canonization in the context of Modernism .

  6. 约翰·邓恩(1572-1631)作为玄学派诗歌的开拓者,被认为是文学界具有影响但同时也是很有争议的诗人。

    John Donne ( 1572-1631 ), the forefather of Metaphysical poetry , is recognized as an influential but controversial poet in the literary circle .

  7. 尤其是20世纪40、50年代风靡一时的新批评派,更是把玄学派诗歌奉为英语诗歌的圭臬。

    In the 1940s and 1950s , " New Criticism " became very influential in America , which increased the popularity of metaphysical poetry in the English literary world .

  8. 本文对玄学派诗歌采用的比喻手法进行分析,探究其独特性,进而阐述玄学派诗歌对20世纪现代诗歌的影响。

    This paper aims to analyze the metaphysical conceits , research into the uniqueness of the metaphysical poetry and delineate its impact on the 20 ~ ( th ) century modern poetry .

  9. 本文试图通过对这一概念作关键词式的梳理并结合玄学派诗歌进行文本分析,以帮助读者对其进行更为全面和深入的理解。

    The current paper mainly explores the origin and development of this concept , and at the same time analyses some texts of the metaphysical poetry to give the readers more comprehensive and profound understanding .

  10. 英国17世纪文坛出现了一个独特的诗歌流派,称为“玄学派”诗歌。

    In the 17 ~ ( th ) century literary arena there appeared a unique school of poetry called " metaphysical " poetry .

  11. 英国玄学派诗人约翰·多恩爱情诗歌中的意象群赏析

    Appreciation of the Conceits in the Love Poems of Metaphysical Poet John Donne

  12. 本文从玄学派领袖约翰·邓恩的个性特点及当时社会背景方面分析了玄学派诗歌的产生条件及情智复合的创作法。

    This article analyses the conditions on which an the metaphysical poetry came into being by offering the personality of John Donne and the social background in brief .