
  • 网络Hyon Yong Chol;Hyon Yong-chol
  1. 从这段话来看,玄永哲所领导的军方将更加专注于改善朝鲜经济,而不是威吓韩国。

    That quote suggests Mr. Hyon 's military will be more focused on improving the North Korean economy than menacing South Korea .

  2. 朝中社的英文报道提供了有关其演讲的最详尽信息。朝中社称,玄永哲的演讲向尊敬的最高司令官致以最大的光荣和热烈的祝贺。

    And the KCNA English-language account gave the most details about his speech that ' offered the highest glory and the warmest congratulations to the respected supreme commander . '

  3. 但是朝中社还提到了玄永哲关于实现祖国统一和主体革命事业最后胜利的呼吁,这是朝鲜方面的说法,意思就是让韩国处于朝鲜的控制之下。

    But KCNA also noted Mr. Hyon 's call ' to reunify the country and achieve the final victory , ' North-speak for placing the South under the North 's control .