
  • 网络metaphysical poet;The Metaphysical Poets
  1. 安德鲁·马韦尔是英国玄学派诗人中非常重要的代表人物。

    Andrew Marvel is an important Metaphysical poets in English literature .

  2. 多恩是17世纪英国玄学派诗人的代表,人们对他的奇思妙想褒贬不一。

    John Donne is the representative of British metaphysical poets .

  3. 英国十七世纪玄学派诗人乔治·赫伯特以写宗教诗著称。

    George Hebert belongs to the metaphysical school of the seventeenth century .

  4. 英国玄学派诗人约翰·多恩爱情诗歌中的意象群赏析

    Appreciation of the Conceits in the Love Poems of Metaphysical Poet John Donne

  5. 安德鲁马维尔是十七世纪英国玄学派诗人之一。

    Andrew Marvell is one of the metaphysical poets in the seventeenth century in Britain .

  6. 从《跳蚤》到《致他羞怯的情人》&玄学派诗人邓恩和马维尔的艳情诗探析

    From The Flea to To His Coy Mistress : On the seduction poems of Metaphysical poets

  7. 作为十七世纪英国玄学派诗人的代表,约翰·多恩是一位很有影响力同时也很具争议的诗人。

    As the most prominent representative of the metaphysical poets in the seventeenth century in England , John Donne is an influential and yet controversial literary figure .

  8. 本文分析了玄学派诗人约翰·邓恩早期爱情诗中反映的两种信仰即基督教神学思想与文艺复兴人文主义思想的冲突。

    This thesis mainly analyses John Donne 's conflicting beliefs reflected in his early love poetry . The two conflicting beliefs are Christian theology and Renaissance Humanism .

  9. 十七世纪的英国出现了大批伟大的诗人,其中尤为引人注目的当属被称为玄学派的诗人们,其领军人物为约翰·邓恩和乔治·赫伯特。

    The 17th century England saw many great poets , among whom a special group called the " metaphysical " school and led by John Donne and George Herbert is of great worth .

  10. 约翰·多恩是英国17世纪玄学派的代表诗人,他的诗歌思辩诡异,意象奇特,如同白色背景下的黑色记忆,令人情感跌宕起伏。

    John Donne is a typical metaphysical poet of Britain in the 17th Century . His poems are strange in speculation and picturesque in the use of images like dark memories against a white background , causing emotional rise and fall among the readers .