
  • 网络NOTTING HILL;She;notting hill gate
  1. 诺丁山狂欢节已经进入了最后几个小时的倒计时。

    The countdown to the Notting Hill Carnival is in its final hours .

  2. 这个故事发生在伦敦,在诺丁山的街道上,一个世界著名的女演员(朱莉娅·罗伯茨)刚刚搬进来,一个小书店老板(休·格兰特)一直在工作。

    This story takes place in London , on the streets of Notting Hill to be precise , where a world famous actress ( Julia Roberts ) has just moved in , and where a small bookshop owner ( Hugh Grant ) has been working since forever .

  3. 在伦敦西部诺丁山(NottingHill)新开的NativeCo已经学会了这种把焦点集中于功用的作法。

    This focus on utility has been picked up by Native Co , a new shop in Notting Hill , west London .

  4. 在伦敦西部诺丁山(NottingHill)新开的Native&Co已经学会了这种把焦点集中于功用的作法。

    This focus on utility has been picked up by Native & Co , a new shop in Notting Hill , west London .

  5. 马克斯留下了自己的名字和在诺丁山(nottinghill)的地址,作为该公寓的转寄地址。

    Mr marks gave his own name and address in Notting Hill as a forwarding address for the property .

  6. 鲍斯-利特尔第二职业的灵感来自7年前,当时,在位于诺丁山的一家面向银行家的私人会所,他被说唱诗人索尔?威廉斯(SaulWilliams)的表演迷住了。

    The inspiration for his second career came seven years ago , when the American became transfixed watching Saul Williams , the spoken word poet .

  7. 至少从他在诺丁山月租1万英镑的寓所的墙壁来看,丝毫看不出异国情调的壁纸售自OsborneLittle公司他父母的公司。

    At least the walls of his £ 10,000 a month house in Notting Hill bear no trace of the exotic wallpaper sold by Osborne & Little , his parents ' company .

  8. Ifans的作品包括《超凡蜘蛛侠》和《诺丁山》。

    Ifans ' credits include The Amazing Spider-Man and Notting Hill .

  9. 有些名人青睐女帽制造品牌杰丝·柯莱特(JessCollett),她家的店铺位于时尚中心区诺丁山。

    Some celebrities are gravitating to the milliner Jess Collett , whose shop in the heart of the trendy Notting Hill area she likens to a candy store .

  10. 在她之前代言兰蔻的女星各个都“令人咂舌”,有茱莉亚·罗伯茨(诺丁山女演员)、凯特·温斯莱特(泰坦尼克号)、佩内洛普·克鲁兹(西班牙女影星)以及最近演绎事业如日升天的安妮·海瑟薇AnneHathaway等等。

    We are delighted by this new collaboration . ' Emma follows in the footsteps of other renowned actresses , such as Julia Roberts , Penelope Cruz , Kate Winslet and Anne Hathaway , who have also starred in campaigns for the brand .

  11. 然而,Samba口哨常常用来在Rio的嘉年华和诺丁山上演奏音乐,带边的口哨因为在儿童电视节目《TheClangers》中发出声音,而在英国被熟知。

    While the Samba whistles are used to play tunes at the carnivals in Rio and in Notting Hill , the slide whistle is best known in Britain for creating the sound of kids ' TV show The Clangers .

  12. 有些名人青睐女帽制造品牌杰丝·柯莱特(JessCollett),她家的店铺位于时尚中心区诺丁山。她把店铺比喻成一个糖果店,客户包括桑迪·牛顿(ThandieNewton)和凯特·哈德森(KateHudson)及王室姐妹花尤金妮公主和碧翠丝公主。

    Some celebrities are gravitating to the milliner Jess Collett , whose shop in the heart of the trendy Notting Hill area she likens to a " candy store . " Her clients include Thandie Newton and Kate Hudson , as well as the royal sisters Princesses Eugenie and Beatrice .

  13. 诺丁山式的爱情故事,应该曾是每个人的梦想。

    Notting Hill love used to be a dream for everybody .

  14. 比利时巧克力和诺丁山电视剧,你们是我唯一的朋友

    Belgian chocolate and " Notting Hill , " you 're my only friend !

  15. 记得在诺丁山的房产吗?

    Remember that property in Notting hill ?

  16. 从诺丁山到维尔施登的干道两旁是五号自动扶梯球场。

    A double row of Escalator Fives Courts lined the main road from Notting Hill to Willesden .

  17. 观众可能因为影片《诺丁山》而更加熟悉朱丽娅·罗伯茨。

    The audience may be more familiar with Julia Roberts from the film " Notting Hill " .

  18. 诺丁山式的浪漫爱情是一种把爱情故事理想化的情结。

    Notting Hill romantic love belongs to a kind of love knot which is a ideal love story .

  19. 因朱丽亚·罗伯茨和休·格兰主演的电影《诺丁山》而一举成名的诺丁山就在这里。

    Notting Hill , made famous by the film starting Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts , is here .

  20. 这首歌收录在《诺丁山》电影原声大碟,曾荣登英国排行榜榜首。

    The song , included on the Notting Hill movie soundtrack , hit number one on the UK charts .

  21. 大伦敦警察局局长伊恩·布莱尔说诺丁山狂欢节进行得非常顺利。

    Ian Blair , London 's Metropolitan Police commissioner , said the event was going " very well " .

  22. 专家发现,喜欢看《逃跑新娘》和《诺丁山》之类浪漫喜剧影片的人往往缺乏与伴侣的交流沟通。

    They found fans of films such as Runaway Bride and Notting Hill often fail to communicate with their partners .

  23. 31岁的克莱尔西蒙斯来自伦敦诺丁山,她一直对一个让她陷入危险的伙伴忠贞不二,这个伙伴就是披萨。

    Thirty-one-year-old Claire Simmons , of Notting Hill in London , is in a monogamous relationship with a dangerous partner : pizza .

  24. 威廉:我住在诺丁山,你住在贝弗利,世界上的每一个人都认识你。

    William : I live in Notting Hill , You live in Beverly Hills . Everyone in the world know who you are .

  25. 多彩的时光提供了不少选择,而诺丁山就是游览伦敦时最具吸引力的景点之一。

    For a colorful time offering a host of options , Notting Hill is one of the most desirable places to visit in London .

  26. 这是英国最近得知的如此严重的骚乱。1981年,诺丁山很大部分地区生活还很艰难,贫民窟密布;

    The last time England saw such serious riots , in1981 , much of Notting Hill was a tough place , still blighted by slum housing ;

  27. 卡梅伦夫妇在诺丁山还有一处很喜欢的住所,价值360万英镑,他们曾在那里抚养过夭折的长子伊凡。

    The Camerons have already served notice on the tenants in their beloved £ 3.6million Notting Hill home , where they raised their late firstborn , Ivan .

  28. 上个月,传说卡梅伦夫妇又在诺丁山贷款买了一套房子,但是唐宁街10号的发言人否认了这种传言。

    Last month it emerged the Camerons had taken out a new mortgage on the Notting Hill property but No 10 sources deny it was to buy another home .

  29. 比如说,媒体报道了,发生在位于伦敦西部诺丁山的米其林星级餐厅。蒙面掠夺者和拿着擀面杖的工作人员之间白热化的冲突。

    For instance , the press reported hand-to-hand combat between masked looters and staff armed with rolling pins at a Michelin-starred restaurant in Notting Hill , in west London .

  30. 除了最近在温哥华购置的房产外,他去年还以168万美元的价格购买了位于伦敦诺丁山地区的一套公寓。

    In addition to his recent Vancouver House purchase , he has a condo apartment in London 's Notting Hill , bought last year for about $ 1.68 million .