
  • 网络Nozdormu;Nozdormu the Timeless
  1. 诺兹多姆一直致力于保护时间流和那些面临巨大危机的普通种族。

    Nozdormu will always attempt to protect the time stream and the mortal races when threatened by greater enemies .

  2. 作为诺兹多姆的妻子,我对时间流动的关注比其他的青铜龙要多的多。

    As the Aspect 's prime mate I 'm far more in tune with the flow of time than other bronze dragons .

  3. 将会影响艾泽拉斯未来的事件已经被起动,诺兹多姆一族现在已经对其拉堡垒城市-安其拉提高警惕。

    Events have been set in motion that will shape the future of all of Azeroth , as the attention of the Brood of Nozdormu is focused on Ahn'Qiraj , the fortress city of the Qiraji .