
  • 网络ash wednesday
  1. MardiGras也是三天的最后一天,此项节日开始于圣灰星期三之前的周日。

    Mardi Gras is the final day ofa three-day period , which starts on the Sunday before Ash Wednesday .

  2. 圣灰星期三后教徒们就要斋戒是吗?

    So the Christians will begin to fast after Ash Wednesday ?

  3. 人们会在圣灰星期三之前吃得饱饱的,并举办庆祝活动。

    People eat well the day before Ash Wednesday and hold celebrations .

  4. 圣灰星期三(大斋首日)石灰乳制备系统中三种石灰硝化装置的应用

    Application of Three Types of Lime Nitrification Device in the Lime-milk Preparation System

  5. 许多天主教教徒会在圣灰星期三完全斋戒,或者是只食用面包和水。

    Many Catholics will fast completely on Ash Wednesday or just have bread and water .

  6. 圣灰星期三是个基督教节日吗?

    Is Ash Wednesday a Christian holiday ?

  7. 四旬斋开始于圣灰星期三。

    It begins on Ash Wednesday .

  8. 全球许多基督徒都庆祝圣灰星期三,这天也是大斋日的首日。

    Many Christians around the world celebrate Ash Wednesday , which marks the first day of Lent .

  9. 圣灰星期三也预示着一系列宗教节日的开始,之后还会有圣枝主日以及复活节。

    It is the start of a religious period that leads up to Palm Sunday and the Easter holidays .

  10. 之所以叫做圣灰星期三的原因是,在这一天中,神父会在教堂中向人们的额头画十字。

    It is called Ash Wednesday because priests draw a small cross on the foreheads of people in church .

  11. 每年圣灰星期三的举办日期为2月4日到3月18日,日期要取决于复活节的日期。

    Ash Wednesday falls between February the 4th and March the 10th each year , depending on the date of Easter .

  12. 这一天是圣灰星期三之前的一项庆祝节日,也预示着40天大斋活动的开始。

    It is the name of a celebration that takes place on the day before Ash Wednesday , which marks the beginning of the 40-day period of Lent .