
  • 网络Sharky;Shakey;Terzaghi;Besakih;K.Terzaghi
  1. 太沙基方程Laplace解

    The Laplace solution of Terzaghi equation

  2. 采用双剪统一强度理论,导出了太沙基地基极限承载力公式,绘出了强度理论参数b的影响曲线。

    The double-shear unified strength theory is used to derive the formula of the Terzaghi ′ s ultimate bearing capacity of foundation . The influence curves of the coefficient b are drawn .

  3. 对太沙基单向固结微分方程进行拉氏积分变换求解.得到超静水压力u、固结度U、平均固结度U结论式。

    A conclusive formula about the excess hydrostatic pressure u , consolidating degree U and average consolidating degree U is obtained .

  4. 结合以往研究实心桩的成果和PCC桩自身的特点,基于太沙基固结理论,探讨了PCC桩负摩阻力作用机理。

    Combined with the previous results and the property of PCC pile , based on Terzaghi consolidation theory , mechanism of negative skin friction of PCC pile has been studied .

  5. 方程中的粘滞系数η与土层厚度2h以及上述力学模式的土样在完成瞬时应变后饱和黄土的渗透系数k值有关,然后藉太沙基&开尔文理论的相关性计算得出。

    The viscosity η in the equ - ation is related both to the thickness of soil stratum H and the coefficient of permeability k after the instantaneous strain produced in above mentioned system , then η is calculated by the theory of Kelvin-Terzaghi relationship .

  6. 本文的工作表明:考虑非单调压缩因素影响后,地基的固结性状与传统的太沙基(Terzaghi)固结理论所描述的有较大的差别。

    It has been shown that once the effect of non-monotonic compression factor is taken into account , the consolidation behavior of soil differs greatly from that described by Terzaghi 's theory .

  7. 根据太沙基基本理论,详细地讨论了CFG桩复合地基褥垫层作用机理,并推导出CFG桩复合地基最佳桩间距、合理褥垫层厚度、桩土应力比、实际置换率的解析表达式。

    Based on Terzaghis consolidation theory the mechanism of cushion for CFG-pile composite foundation is discussed in detail ; and on this way the optimum space between piles , the thickness of cushion , the pile-soil stress ratio and the actual ratio of replacement are deduced .

  8. 经过100kPa,200kPa,400kPa3个不同固结压力下的固结试验,分析了试样底部的孔压上升规律与太沙基固结理论差异的原因;

    KPa , 200 ? kPa , and 400 ? kPa , for analysis of the regularity of the increase of the pore pressure at the bottom of soil specimen and the cause of discrepancy against Terzaghi 's consolidation theory .

  9. 考虑渗流力时对太沙基一维固结理论的修正

    Modification of Terzaghi 's one-dimensional consolidation theory by considering seepage force

  10. 基孙人哈深的众子,哈拉人沙基的儿子约拿单。

    Hashem the Gizonite , Jonathan the son of Shagee the Hararite .

  11. 沙基土工布+砂砾基层抗剪稳定性分析

    Analysis of Shear Stability between Sand Base Course or Sand Gravel and Geotextile

  12. 沙基表示,自主武器应该被禁止。

    Mr Sharkey says autonomous weapons should be banned .

  13. 利用修正太沙基理论进行土体非线性固结沉降计算研究

    Study of the amended Terzaghi theory in calculating clay 's non - linear consolidation

  14. 用太沙基极限承载力理论定量分析了这种影响。

    The Terzaghi bearing capacity theory is used to analyze the affection in quantitative .

  15. 考虑中间主应力的太沙基地基极限承载力公式

    Influence of intermediate principal stress on the formula of Terzaghi ultimate bearing capacity of foundations

  16. 希西家王对拉伯沙基侮辱的处理有何可学之处?

    What have you learned from King Hezekiah 's handling of Rabshakeh 's public humiliation ?

  17. 相对于传统太沙基理论,修正后的太沙基固结理论可以用来更准确地计算实际工程中的非线性固结沉降。

    The amended Terzaghi theory can be better used in calculating the non-linear consolidation of clay .

  18. 多维太沙基固结微分方程求解一类二阶线性非齐次抽象微分方程的两点边值问题

    On the Two-point Boundary Value Problems for a Class of Two-order Linear Inhomogeneous Abstract Differential Equation

  19. 然后沙基转个圈,把尾巴放回杰夫的手里,重新开始游戏。

    Then Sharky circled and put her tail back in Jeff 's hand to start the game again .

  20. 突然,沙基潜入水下大约一英尺深,把杰夫的手和胳膊拖入水中。

    Suddenly Sharky dived a foot or so below the surface , pulling Jeff 's hand and arm underwater .

  21. 亚述王从拉吉差遣拉伯沙基,率领大军,往耶路撒冷到希西家王那里去。

    And the king of Assyria sent rabshakeh from Lachish to Jerusalem unto King Hezekiah with a great army .

  22. 研究固结系数为非常数的固结方程差分解,参数易取,计算程序简单,而且结果较太沙基经典方法接近实际,具有实用意义。

    So the study of the finite difference result in consolidation equation with variable coefficient of consolidation is practical significant .

  23. 当前近代海积软土工程沉降分析仍以传统的太沙基单向渗透固结理论为基础。

    Engineering analysis of recent marine soft soil settlement is based on a traditional one-dimensional drainage consolidation theory of Terzaghi .

  24. 本文从桩土相互作用的机理出发,建立了非均质地基土中单桩弹性微分方程,利用太沙基一维固结理论和土层分层总和法求得堆载作用下,土层沉降随深度和时间变化的规律。

    Soil interaction The changes of the settlements depended with depth and time is obtained using the Terzaghi theory and layer ?

  25. 采用太沙基&维固结理论,编制了内嵌固结计算的修正剑桥模型程序,对软粘土卸载强度进行了分析。

    By the program for embedded consolidation calculation and modified cam-clay model , the soft soil strength in unloading condition was analyzed .

  26. 根据太沙基固结理论推导出了变径螺旋压榨压方程,得出了压榨速率的表达式。

    According to Terzaghi consolidation theory , the partial differential equation and filtration formula of the change diameter screw compression were induced .

  27. 为了研究软土隧道长期沉降随时间的发展规律,采用粘弹性流变模型并耦合太沙基固结理论对软土隧道地表长期沉降进行了分析、预测。

    A closed visco-elatic rheological form coupled with Terzaghi 's consolidation theory is employed to predict the long-term surface settlements of tunnels .

  28. 一天,一只小雌海豚沙基,在水面下滑行。杰夫抓住她的尾巴,她停了下来。

    One day Sharky , a young female , glided just below the surface until her tail was in Jeff 's hand .

  29. 水位瞬时下降情况下,平均固结度解和太沙基解相同。

    Analytical solution for average degree of consolidation is the same with Terzaghi solution on condition that groundwater level drops instantaneously . 2 .

  30. 两名来自玻利瓦尔中央中学(孟菲斯市东约70英里)的高年级学生在监狱里渡过了48小时,都是因为穿了腰低得过分的沙基裤。

    Two seniors at Bolivar Central High School , about 70 miles east of Memphis , spent 48 hours in jail because of their low-riding clothing .