
  • 网络sandpile model;sand pile;sand-pile model;sand pile model
  1. 在BTW沙堆模型的基础上,借助多象限、优先级和表观摩擦系数等概念,提出了两个改进算法,构建了两个更具真实物理意义的自组织临界性沙堆模型。

    Based on BTW sandpile model , the conceptions of multi-quadrants , priority and apparent friction coefficient were proposed , two improved sandpile model were founded .

  2. 同时对大尺度沙堆模型的并行计算进行了探讨性研究。

    Meanwhile the research of parallel computation of large-scale sandpile model was carried on .

  3. 沙堆模型就是描述SOC的最简单范例,而元胞自动机模型则是研究SOC的技术手段。

    Sand-pile is a deceptively simple system serves as a paradigm for self-organized criticality and cellular automata model is technical method .

  4. 其中发现沙堆模型达到SOC态时的平均沙粒数一直持续在2.09左右,森林火灾模型的火灾分布具有分形树的特点。

    The result shows that all these systems are evolving in the form of SOC . In sand-pile model , the average sand number is 2.09 , while in forest model , fire distributions are like fractal trees .

  5. 沙堆模型动力学特性与灾害系统演化预测研究

    Dynamics characteristic of sandpiles model and prediction of disaster phylogenetic evolution

  6. 单面坡沙堆模型自组织临界性实验研究

    An Experimental Study on the Self-Organized Criticality of Sand Pile Model with One-Grade Slope

  7. 基于扩展沙堆模型的供应链竞争力研究

    A Study of Supply Chain Competitiveness : Based on the Improved Sand Cone Model

  8. 基于沙堆模型的股市宏观行为研究

    Stock Macroscopic Behavior Based on Sandpile Model

  9. 模拟消落带水华暴发行为的数值沙堆模型

    Numerical sandpile model for simulating algal bloom behaviors in fluctuating band along riversides of the Three-Gorges valley

  10. 为解释此假设,建立了既能表征非均匀系数又具有分形组构特征的元胞自动机沙堆模型。

    A cellular automata model describing non-uniform coefficient and fractal fabric characteristic was built to explain the assumption .

  11. 提出了一个含崩塌概率的一维沙堆模型,并用元胞自动机方法对该模型进行计算机模拟。

    Proposed an one-dimensional sandpile model which include avalanche probability , and performed computer simulation by cellular automata method .

  12. 本文以沙堆模型为基础,研究了颗粒物组成的系统中所表现出的自组织临界现象及分离、分层现象。

    Based on sandpile model self-organized critical ( SOC ) phenomena , separation and stratification phenomena in granular system are studied .

  13. 采用相空间分析手段,对临界单面坡散粒体沙堆模型实验落沙序列进行了分析。

    By means of the improved phrase space reconstruction method , the sand-falling series of the large-scale critical slope experiment were analyzed .

  14. 鉴于股市所具有的分形特征,采用沙堆模型思考股市的自组织临界性是一个合理的选择。

    Because of fractal characteristic of stock . , it is a reasonable choice to use sandpile model to consider self - organized criticality for stock .

  15. 通过将沙堆模型应用于供应链,为供应链竞争力问题提出新的分析思路。

    In this paper , the application of the sand cone model in supply chains was discussed and new research avenues were opened in the research of the compositeness of supply chain .

  16. 在此基础上,我们构建了几种不同驱动机制和空间拓扑结构的沙堆模型,并利用数值模拟的方法,对这些模型的临界标度行为和雪崩动力学进行了详尽的研究。

    On this base , we establish some sandpile models with different driving mechanisms and spatial topology , use numerical simulation , study in detail the critical scaling behaviors and avalanche dynamics of these models .

  17. 研究表明,沙堆模型如果存在良好的幂律关系,相应的消落带水域将暴发水华,且幂律指数越大,水华污染程度越严重。

    Simulating computation showed if there existed power law relationship in the sandpile model , the corresponding water fluctuating band system would appear algal bloom pollution , and absolute values of exponent of the power law were all directly proportional to scales of algal bloom .

  18. 首先,为了探讨阿贝尔对称性破缺对随机沙堆模型普适类的影响,本文应用数值模拟研究了非阿贝尔随机模型的雪崩行为。

    In addition , we also studied the weak hit strategy on complex networks . Firstly , in order to investigate whether the Abelian symmetry breaking changes the universality class of the stochastic sandpile model , we numerically studied the avalanche behavior of non-Abelian stochastic sandpile model .

  19. 介绍了15组散粒体自组织临界性与粒径的非均匀性有关的真实沙堆模型,分析了实验表现出来的3种动力学行为:即准周期分布、正态分布和负幂律分布;

    Fifteen groups of real sand-pile model are introduced , whose self-organized criticality in granular mixtures is strongly influenced by non-uniform degree of granular material . Three different dynamic behaviors showed in the experiment , such as quasi-period distribution , normal distribution and power law distribution , are analyzed .

  20. 提出二维沙堆崩塌模型,并用元胞自动机的方法对该模型进行计算机模拟。

    Proposed an two-dimensional sandpile avalanche model , and performed computer simulation by celluar automata method .

  21. 由于泥石流产流区的观测数据的缺乏,本文首次提出基于沙雄模型来建立改进的二维沙堆自动机模型,来研究泥石流产流区系统的自组织临界性。

    Lacking of impersonal observation information of triggering area of debris flow , this essay brings forward to cell automaton model to study on it based on sand pile model .