
  • 网络Joan of Arc;Jeanne d'Arc;Saint Joan;Jeanne Darc
  1. 圣女贞德被处以火刑。

    Joan of Arc was burnt at the stake .

  2. 一群演员正在排演一出关于圣女贞德的戏。

    A group of actors are rehearsing a play about Joan of Arc

  3. 圣女贞德终于在1920年由教皇本尼狄克十五世封为圣徒。

    Joan of Arc was finally canonized by Pope Benedict XV in 1920 .

  4. 圣女贞德不是一个普通的人。

    Saint Joan of arc isn 't simple person .

  5. 电影先驱者塞西尔·B·戴维尔,导演了《圣女贞德》和《十诫》这样的史诗片,看到了大众娱乐业的潜力。

    Film pioneer Cecil B. Deville saw the potential for mass entertainment , directing such epics such as Joan of Arc and The Ten Commandments .

  6. ……当然还有我的印度精神导师……还有琼安•华德、圣女贞德、卡本特小姐、我小学四年级的导师,还有吉姆•汉森(JimHenson)——”

    King Jr. and Katharine Hepburn ... and Martin Scorsese ( which you wouldn 't necessarily expect , but it 's still nice of him ) ... and my Guru , of course ... and Joanne Woodward , and Joan of Arc , and Ms. Carpenter , my fourth-grade teacher , and Jim Henson - "

  7. 圣女贞德是法国最伟大的女性之一。

    Joan of arc was one of france 's greatest daughters .

  8. 女性可以想想圣女贞德的故事。

    Women can think of the story of Joan of Arc .

  9. 圣女贞德的死引起了法国人民的极大愤慨。

    Joan 's death caused French people 's great indignation .

  10. 1412年的今天,据说圣女贞德出生于多雷米。

    1412-according to tradition , Joan of Arc was born in Domremy .

  11. 1429年的今天,圣女贞德抵达并解了“奥尔良之围”。

    1429-Joan of Arc arrives to relieve the Siege of Orl é ans.

  12. 圣女贞德:一个穿行历史岁月的形象

    Joan of Arc & a Figure Walking through the History

  13. 圣女贞德在火刑柱上被(活活)烧死。

    Joan of Arc was burnt ( alive ) at the stake .

  14. 你用她做了圣女贞德

    So you used her for Joan of Arc ,

  15. 圣女贞德受审并被判决有罪。

    Joan of Arc was tried and found guilty .

  16. 排练,演练,预演(戏剧、舞蹈或音乐作品)一群演员正在排演一出关于圣女贞德的戏。

    A group of actors are rehearsing a play about Joan of Arc .

  17. 圣女贞德被烧死在火刑柱上。

    Joan of Arc was burned at the stake .

  18. 1431年的今天,圣女贞德被移交给主教皮埃尔·考颂。

    1431 – Joan of Arc is handed over to the Bishop Pierre Cauchon .

  19. 木兰是中国女扮男妆的女英雄,中国的圣女贞德。

    Mulan is the Middle Kingdom 's gender-bending heroine , its Joan of Arc .

  20. 我们喜欢听故事,摩西、圣女贞德和蜘蛛侠。

    We love to hear about the story , Moses and Joan of Arc and Spider-Man .

  21. 1431的今天,圣女贞德的审判在由英国占领者政府所在的鲁昂市开始。

    The trial of Joan of Arc begins in Rouen , the seat of the English occupation government .

  22. 听说约翰去了法国鲁昂他看到圣女贞德雕塑了吗?

    I wonder if John has seen Joan of Arc 's Statue yet coz it is in Rouen .

  23. 圣女贞德出生1412年的今天,据说圣女贞德出生于多雷米。

    Joan of Arc was born 1412 - according to tradition , Joan of Arc was born in Domremy .

  24. 萧伯纳的历史剧《圣女贞德》,描写的是同名法国民族英雄的生平事迹。

    Saint Joan is a play by George Bernard Shaw , based on the life and trial of Joan of Arc .

  25. 英国圣女贞德小学师生代表团13人访问巴蜀,开展“同一奥运、同一世界”主题活动。

    A 13-member delegation from St. Joan of Arc visited our school and joined a program themed One Olympics , One World .

  26. 真正的信徒把她视为自由市场的圣女贞德,致力于全方位缩减政府职能。

    True believers view her as a Saint Joan of free markets , dedicated to rolling back the state in all its dimensions .

  27. 一些历史记载表明圣女贞德德某些器官不能被焚烧。

    Part of the legend of Joan of Arc springs from the observation , documented in historical records , that some of her organs resisted the fire .

  28. 在圣女贞德时期的诺曼底并没有松树,但松树脂在埃及被广泛运用。

    Pine trees did not grow in Normandy at the time that Joan of Arc was killed , but pine resin was used widely in Egypt during embalming .

  29. 她涂上口红,穿上圣女贞德式的铠甲,说出自己的台词带点活力,录像的导演满怀希望地提示她但这一幕还需要稍作调整。

    Slicked up in lipstick and a Joan of Arc breastplate , she delivers her lines with energy , the video director hopefully instructs her but the scene needs tweaks .

  30. 她涂上口红,穿上圣女贞德式的铠甲,说出自己的台词——“带点活力”,录像的导演满怀希望地提示她——但这一幕还需要稍作调整。

    Slicked up in lipstick and a Joan of Arc breastplate , she delivers her lines - " with energy , " the video director hopefully instructs her - but the scene needs tweaks .