
  • 网络Cactus Flower;Cactus Blossom
  1. 戈尔迪·霍恩(GoldieHawn)曾因影片《仙人掌花》(CactusFlower)获最佳女配角奖,她的奖杯坐落在一个非常富有禅宗气息的地方——她的“印度房间”,她常在这里冥想。

    Goldie Hawn 's award for best supporting actress in the 1970 film Cactus Flower rests somewhere altogether more zen - in the " India Room " in which she likes to meditate .

  2. 这四个漂亮的植物果然“名不虚传”:有积极向上的芦荟、有憨态可掬的仙人球,英姿挺拔的仙人掌上顶着一个红彤彤的仙人掌花。

    These four beautiful plant was " a well-deserved reputation ": the aloe vera has a positive upwards , with the cactus , the cactus Yingzi straight Pull off a red cactus flower .

  3. 在墨西哥街头美食小摊处,你会发现其他令人垂涎欲滴的馅料,比如:土豆和切碎的西班牙腊肠、仙人掌、南瓜花、腌制的蘑菇、墨西哥玉米松露(玉米蘑菇)、炸豆泥和各式各样或烤或慢火烹调的熟肉。

    At Mexican street stalls , you 'll find mouth-watering fillings like potato and crumbled chorizo sausage , nopal ( cactus ) , squash blossoms , saut é ed mushrooms , huitlacoche ( an earthy corn fungus ) , refried beans , and all varieties of grilled or slow-cooked meats .

  4. 小型无刺的球状仙人掌;威廉斯仙人球花之源。

    A small spineless globe-shaped cactus ; source of mescal buttons .