
  1. 最后对比研究了仙霞古道沿途村镇的住宅特点。

    Finally , it contrasted characters of residences in different villages and towns along Xianxia ancient road .

  2. 仙霞古道的探秘才刚刚开始,他们已经迫不及待要筹划下次的行程了。

    Xianxia road of exploration has just begun , they can 't wait to plan the next trip .

  3. 2004年11月22日,仙霞古道成为浙江省唯一的候选对象,申请列入世界自然和文化双遗产预备目录。

    As the only candidate of Zhejiang Province , Xianxia Old Path began to apply for World Natural and Cultural Heritage on November 22 , 2004 .