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xiān zǐ
  • spirit;fairy maiden;female celestial
仙子 [xiān zǐ]
  • 见仙女

仙子[xiān zǐ]
  1. 圣诞树顶上的仙子

    the fairy on top of the Christmas tree

  2. 本文用离子对HPLC法测定了天仙子中莨菪碱和东莨菪碱的含量。

    The contents of hyoscyamine and scopolamine in the seeds of Hyoscyamus niger were determined by applying reverse phase ion-pair HPLC .

  3. n.仙女,小精灵;漂亮姑娘小仙子答应允诺那孩子的希望。vt.奉承;

    fairy The fairy promised to grant the child 's wish .

  4. 生长素在天仙子(Hyoscyamusniger)花粉形态发生中的效应

    Effects of different auxins on pollen morphogenesis in Hyoscyamus niger

  5. 蔬菜毒药-藏红花,铁杉,天仙子,强香型生菜。

    Vegetable Poisons-Saffron , Hemlock , Henbane , Strong Scented Lettuce .

  6. 天仙子籽油中脂肪酸组成的研究

    Study on the composition of fatty acid in Hyoscyamus niger seedoil

  7. 如今我们那仙子般的装饰家为秋天他把古玩店扮靓;

    And now our fairy decorator brightens his shop for fall ;

  8. 挪威王国是土地的仙子。

    The kingdom of Norway is the land of fairies .

  9. 这次你从牙仙子那里拿到多少?

    How much did you get from the tooth fairy this time ?

  10. 微笑的样子很美,就像是荷花仙子一样纯美。

    Smiling look beautiful , like the same styles of lotus fairy .

  11. 仙子的魔法把两兄弟变成了天鹅。

    The fairy 's magic changed the brothers into swans .

  12. 活在其中的绿仙子想要你的灵魂。

    The green fairy who lives in the absinthe wants your soul .

  13. 你的女朋友真是美如仙子。

    Your girl friend is really out of this world .

  14. 正弹着竖琴的仙子被吓坏了,她呆立在那里,不知道如何是好。

    However , the harpist fairy was scared stiff and stood there .

  15. 小仙子答应允诺那孩子的希望。

    The fairy promised to grant the child 's wish .

  16. 妈妈,看,牙仙子给了我一枚硬币!

    Mom , look , I got a coin from the Tooth Fairy !

  17. 鼠标拖动衣服到仙子身上。

    Drag the mouse to the fairies who clothes .

  18. 她是唯一和人交流的仙子。

    She is the only one contact with humans .

  19. 楼阁玲珑五云起,其中绰约多仙子。

    Delicate pavilions were standing on the five-coloured clouds .

  20. 还有象我们这样的仙子,就在上面,找到她。

    There 's others like us , up there , looking for her .

  21. 我以为所有的仙子都死了呐。达林太大说。

    " I thought all the fairies were dead ," Mrs. Darling said .

  22. 他还小的时候,我曾是他的牙仙子。

    When he was little , I used to be his tooth fairy .

  23. 不,她是一个精灵,一个仙子,一个女神;

    No , she was a spirit , a divinity , a goddess ;

  24. 但瑞秋的结论却是:她父亲「是」仙子。

    But Rachel 's conclusion was that her father was the tooth fairy .

  25. 实际上,古代很多关于八月月圆的故事都跟一位月亮仙子有关。

    In fact , many ancient August Moon folktales are about a moon maiden .

  26. 是哪一位仙子植种了满野的鲜花?

    Is which pretty woman planted to grow the full and wild fresh flowers ?

  27. 这个人打扮与众姑娘不同,彩绣辉煌,恍若神妃仙子。

    Unlike the girls , she wAS richly dressed and resplendent AS a fairy .

  28. 从好仙子身上取下的仙尘才是

    When it comes from a good fairy .

  29. 你觉得牙仙子会比莱特案子来的大?

    You think the tooth fairy will be even a bigger story than lecter ?

  30. 我不是神话中的仙子。我只是一个漫画家。

    I am not a fairy living in wonderland . I am a cartoonist .