
xiān jiè
  • fairyland;the world of immortals
仙界 [xiān jiè]
  • [fairyland] 神仙境地

  1. 她想象自己住在仙界里。

    She imagined herself living in fairyland .

  2. 首先是篇幅加长、内容丰富,在叙事上运用梦境增加悬念,增强小说的可读性;其次是注重描写,注重描绘仙界和梦幻的场景。

    First of all , they are longer in length , and more abundant in content . In narration , they use dreams and suspense which greatly enhance their readability . Secondly , those novels pay attention to the descriptions of the scenes of fairyland and fantasy .

  3. 不为仙界多离恨,唯愿人间永良宵!

    Not more than chihen xianjie , Weiyuan human wing night !

  4. 同时仙女们的友情也受到了考验,人性的欲望引发了一场仙界的战争。

    Their friendship is also put to the test , with human desire triggering a celestial battle .

  5. 《大鱼海棠》源于中国神话,故事发生在一个统治人类世界的仙界。

    Deeply rooted in Chinese mythology , the film is set in a wonderland that manages the human world .

  6. 但克里克拉兹不知道一旦离开仙界就再也回不去了。

    But Quae Carcajou didn 't know that once you leave the spirit world , you can never come back .

  7. 在一个情景里,他们坐上飞去仙界的飞机,过了一会儿他们又进入了画中世界。

    In one scene , they 're on the heavenly plane , then later they 're in this painting world .

  8. 之后,电影讲述了一个仙界女孩与人间男孩之间的爱情故事。

    The story then focuses on a young girl from the wonderland and her love for a boy from the human world .

  9. 在那未知而飘渺的世界,有天堂,有地狱,有神族,有仙界,有菩萨、佛祖。

    In the mysterious world , there are the paradise and the hell , the celestial beings and the gods , the Buddha and the Bodhisattvas .

  10. 仙界中一无名天兵在最后一次与魔界的战争中立下奇功,却只要求到人界过凡人的生活。

    An unnamed river which creation in the last war with the devil who performed outstanding service , only asks people to the profession over mortal life .

  11. 片刻前,我还是那么虚弱、疲乏,闷闷不乐,而吸了这仙界的补汁以后,瞧我强健得象一只雄鹰。

    For note how faint and weary and heart-sick I was a minute ago ; well , I suck this celestial cordial , and now behold me as strong as an eagle .

  12. 不管是天界、仙界、人界,无论在商还是在周,从来没有谁能够阻挡狂放不羁的狂战士。

    Whether it is heaven , Once upon a time , one community , whether in business or in the week , who has never been able to stop the wild uninhibited Berserker .

  13. 本文认为,汉阙非独为汉代建筑艺术的形式,更重要的还在于,它是早期道教所追求的仙界的象征符号和人仙两界交通的神学媒介。

    This paper holds that the Que is not only a kind of art of the time , but also a symbolic intermediary between the human world and the immortal one which the early Taoists want to enter eagerly .

  14. 不仅俗世之人向往神仙世界,就连大自然中的花鸟木兽也倾仙慕道,积极主动地寻求度脱之路,渴望出家入道,成为仙界中人。

    Not only the people want the world of the immortals , even nature of flowers and birds wood out of the way for the beast also , actively seek degrees off the road , eager to trade became a monk , become celestial middleman .