
  • 网络China Myanmar Border;Borders of Burma
  1. 两年以后,他被派到了中缅边界。

    Two years later , he was sent to the border between China and Myanmar .

  2. 缅甸飞机最近距中缅边界约5公里。

    The closest Myanmarese jets are five kilometers away from the border .

  3. 民兵在中缅边界附近包围了一小撮土匪,并把他们缴械。

    The militiamen rounded up and disarmed a gang of bandits ear the Sino-Burmese border .

  4. 除了北掸邦军以外,民族武装基地都是设于中缅边界沿线。

    Apart from the Shan State Army " North ," all are based along the Sino-Burma border .

  5. 摘要新中国成立时,中缅边界“存在三段未决问题”。

    When the people 's Republic of China was founded , Sino-Burma had " three sections of unsettled frontiers " .

  6. 居住在中缅边界偏远高原地区的佤族人对民众的暴力也很出名。

    The Wa people living in the remote upland area of the China-Myanmar border were also known for their violence toward people .

  7. 在中缅边界我方一侧,一些我国居民的生命和财产受到了损失,我首先要向遇难者家属表示哀悼和深切的慰问。

    The life and property of some Chinese residents around China-Myanmar border areas have been damaged and I want to , first , use this occasion to express my deep sympathies to those bereaved families .

  8. 强中缅边境的管控对于维护缅甸的安全和平、维护云南省的安全和平都具有重要意义。”因此加强管理中缅边界是维护缅甸及中国云南省和平稳定的关键。

    This has led to the situation where China is maintaining control of the border on its side , while on the other side of Myanmar , conflicts and frictions occur Therefore , strengthening the control of the China-Myanmar border is crucial to peace and stability in Myanmar as well as in China 's Yunnan province .