
  1. 中越边界的形成是一个漫长的变迁过程。

    The forming of the Sino-Vietnam border is a long change course .

  2. 在新形式下,处于文山段的中越边界跨境民族的经济发展状况、文化传统、生存质量究意怎么样了呢?

    Under the new circumstances , what about the economic development cultural tradition and the living coditions to the boundary nationalities living along the borders between China and Vietnam ?

  3. 正因为有了县治行政区划的依托,中越边界云南段各市镇开始步入了发展阶段,积极开展边政建设。

    Because of the county rely on administrative divisions , the Yunnan section of the Sino-Vietnamese border town stepped into a stage of development and actively promote the political side of building .

  4. 分析中越边界云南段市镇的兴起背景,具体讨论各个市镇兴起的过程。第三章阐释中越边界云南段市镇兴起的影响。

    Analysis of the Sino-Vietnamese border town in Yunnan section of the rise of the background details of the discussion process of the rise of the various municipalities . Chapter ⅲ explained the Yunnan section of the Sino-Vietnamese border town of the rise .

  5. 这些近代市镇的建设措施,不仅从根本上改变了中越边界云南段市镇的发展轨迹,更重要的是这些边界市镇的兴起对建设边疆、开发边疆与巩固边疆具有积极的意义。

    The modern town-building measures , not only fundamentally changed the Yunnan section of the Sino-Vietnamese border town of the development path , more importantly , the rise of these border towns on the border building , development of border areas and consolidating frontier has a positive significance .

  6. 中国视角下的中越陆地边界问题研究(1949-2007)

    A Study on the Land Boundary Issue of China and Vietnam from the Perspective of China ( 1949-2007 );

  7. 中越签署陆地边界条约。

    China and Viet Nam have signed a land border treaty .

  8. 11月2日,中越两国呼吁加快边界勘定并加强经济联系。

    China and Viet Nam on November 2nd called for speeding up border demarcation and closer economic links .

  9. 中国与越南山水相连,紧密相接的陆路边界在中越两国关系史上占据了重要的地位,尤其是在近代,中越两国的特定历史关系,使得中越边界的形成和演变拥有了一定得特殊性。

    In close phase of the land boundary in the history of relations between China and Vietnam occupy an important position , especially in modern times , in specific historical relations between China and Vietnam , making the Sino-Vietnamese border in the formation and evolution may have some special .