
  • 网络the troubles;The issue of Northern Ireland
  1. 对北爱尔兰问题作出最佳阐述与分析的莫过于《独立报》戴维·麦基特里克的文章了。

    Nowhere could you find a better route map of the troubles of Northern Ireland than in the articles of The Independent 's David McKittrick .

  2. 和平运动者在北爱尔兰问题(注1)基本结束十多年以后称:在探究完整真相的道路上仍荆棘丛生。

    In Northern Ireland more than a decade after the " troubles " largely ended , peace activists say there are still huge obstacles to a search for the full facts .

  3. 北爱尔兰问题是一个复杂的历史问题,这一问题在20世纪60年代末逐步升级并演变为所谓的北爱尔兰动乱(theTroubles)。

    The Northern Ireland problem was historically a complicated issue , which gradually evolved into the Troubles at the end of 1960s .

  4. 你对北爱尔兰问题的看法如何?

    What are your views on the Northern Irish question ?

  5. 最近举行的关于北爱尔兰问题的谈判没有取得任何进展。

    The latest talks about Northern Ireland have come up against a brick wall .

  6. 北爱尔兰问题的和平解决

    The Peaceful Settlement of the Northern Ireland Problem

  7. 北爱尔兰问题是新故事片《局外人》的主题。

    The Ulster question is the subject of a new feature film , 'the outsider ' .

  8. 那么,北爱尔兰问题是否真象英国政治家所称的那样是解不开的政治之谜?

    Then , isn 't this problem the intricate riddle as many UK politicians have mentioned ?

  9. 阿尔斯特的暴力火种正是在英国本土所有传媒均对北爱尔兰问题不闻不问的那些年播下的。

    It was during years of neglect by all the mainland British press that the seeds of violence were sown in Ulster .

  10. 北爱尔兰问题的和解也为国际上处理类似的民族和宗教问题提供了一个有益的借鉴。

    And the peaceful solution of Northern Ireland issue also provides an instructive way for those countries which has religious or national problems worldwide .

  11. 声明说,爱尔兰共和军宣布的停火,为北爱尔兰问题的公正和永久的解决提供了机会。

    The statement said that the cease-fire declared by Irish Republican Army provides an opportunity for the " just and permanent resolution " of the Northern Ireland problem .

  12. 这部电影未在北爱尔兰政治问题上选择站边。

    The film takes no position on the politics of Northern Ireland

  13. 北爱尔兰的民族问题是英国殖民时代留下的遗产。

    The problems of the Northern Ireland are the heritage from the British Empire .

  14. 米切尔是前参议院多数派领袖,曾在90年代领导美国对北爱尔兰的调停问题上取得了成功。

    Mitchell , a former Senate Majority Leader , led a successful U.S. mediation effort on Northern Ireland in the 1990s .

  15. 出生于北爱尔兰,民族身份问题是莫顿作品中关注的焦点。

    Born In Northern Ireland , national identity becomes the focus o his works .

  16. 北爱尔兰民族与宗教问题述评

    Northern Irish People and Religions Issues