
  • 网络north wale;Northern Wales
  1. 北威尔士最西部是说威尔士语人的聚居区。

    The westernmost part of north Wales is a stronghold of Welsh-speakers

  2. 渡船在北威尔士海岸附近被一股反常的海浪击中。

    The ferry was hit by a freak wave off the North Wales coast .

  3. 本文应用DCA排序方法对英国北威尔士Aber山谷植被与环境的关系进行了研究。

    The Detrended Correspondence Analysis ( DCA ) was used to analyse the relationships between woodland and moorland vegetation and its environmental variables in Aber valley , North Wales .

  4. 这对新人花了560英镑租下位于北威尔士Llechwedd矿里的一个洞穴,作为他们的婚礼场地。

    The couple spent £ 560 hiring a cave deep within the Llechwedd mine in North Wales to get hitched .

  5. 他在北威尔士地区做生意。

    He works the North Wales area , eg as a salesman .

  6. 在北威尔士一条河边,静静的躺着一块又大又方的石头。

    There is a large square stone near a river in northern Wales .

  7. 北威尔士北美云杉林土壤水运动规律的研究

    Study on soil water flow law under Sitka spruce forest in North Wales

  8. 我知道在北威尔士的高山和大海之间有一个山谷。

    I know a valley in North Wales , between the mountains and the sea .

  9. 北威尔士陡峭的山坡

    The steep hillsides of North Wales

  10. 这座小城不仅位于北威尔士旅游的最佳位置上,自身也有许多迷人之处。

    Ideally situated for touring North wales , the town also has plenty of its own attractions .

  11. 班戈大学成立于1884年,位于英国北威尔士。班戈依山傍海,景色壮美,是英国最为安全的城市之一。

    Founded in1884 , Bangor University is one of the oldest and most prestigious degree awarding bodies in the UK .

  12. 1990年北威尔士阿尔戈高中有一名学生要参加中级普通教育证书考试。

    A fifteen year old pupil at Argoed High School in North Wales was to sit his GCSE examinations in 1990 .

  13. 北威尔士猫头鹰收容所的伊恩-图特希尔说,收容所内90%的猫头鹰是遭弃养的人工圈养宠物。

    Ian Toothill , of the North Wales Owl Sanctuary , says about 90 % of the birds are abandoned captive-bred pets .

  14. 我不在乎到底去湖区还是去北威尔士&这对我都一样。

    I don 't care whether we go to the lake district or North wales & it 's all the same to me .

  15. 他去年12月毕业,并从北威尔士驾船航行了500英里回到他在怀特岛的家。

    He graduated last December and has just sailed the 500-miles from North Wales to his home in Totland , Isle of Wight .

  16. 这艘船是32年前在北威尔士的康沃尔建成,配有玻璃光纤船体和胶合板船顶。

    It was built in Penryn , Cornwall , 32 years ago and has a glass fibre hull with a plywood coach roof .

  17. 北威尔士猫头鹰收容所的伊恩-图特希尔说,收容所内90%的猫头鹰是遭弃养的“人工圈养”宠物。

    Ian Toothill , of the North Wales Owl Sanctuary , says about 90 % of the birds are abandoned " captive-bred " pets .

  18. 就这样,1911年6月10日,王室成员驱车前往北威尔士的卡那封城堡,典礼开始了。

    And so , on 10th June 1911 , the family drove to Caernar - von Castle in North Wales and the ceremony began .

  19. 英格兰和北威尔士的医院每天需要七千单位的血浆,每个单位的血浆都可以拯救或者改善三名病人的生命。

    Hospitals in England and North Wales need 7,000 units of blood every day and each unit saves or improves the lives of three patients .

  20. 制造空客机翼的北威尔士工厂被评为该公司最好的厂址,它将继续负责机翼设计和总装配工作。

    The North Wales factory that makes Airbus wings is rated as the firm 's best site , and will retain wing design and final assembly .

  21. 一起去北威尔士度假。他们带着单车和帆布包,从布莱切利坐火车北上,在夜幕降临时,到达波特马多克。

    They took their holiday in North Wales , going up by train from Bletchley with bicycles and rucksacks , and arriving at Portmadoc when it was already dark .

  22. 来自北威尔士Rhyd-y-Clafdy的琼斯先生说:“这些照片都是在斯诺登尼亚我最喜欢的地点拍摄的。”

    Mr Jones , from Rhyd-y-Clafdy , North Wales , said : ' The photographs were taken at one of my favourite locations in Snowdonia , Llyn Y Dywarchen .

  23. 玛丽的父亲“在卡罗有份舒适的工作”,但她任职学校老师的母亲却在对利物浦的大轰炸中被撤离,先到了柴郡,然后到北威尔士。

    Mary 's father had " a cushy number in Cairo ", but her schoolteacher mother was evacuated from the Blitz in Liverpool , first to Cheshire and then to north Wales .

  24. 据图灵先生回忆,1924年夏天,他们在牛津待了一阵子,九月时,他们去北威尔士的一个木房子度假。然后艾伦自己回到海兹赫斯特,图灵夫妇留在那里。

    In the summer of 1924 the family stayed for a time at Oxford - a nostalgic exercise on Mr Turing 's part - and then in September they holidayed at a boarding house in North Wales .

  25. 这位皇家宝宝和妈妈凯特已经和威廉王子在北威尔士的安格尔西岛上一套能眺望到大海的四居室农舍里聚到一起,这对夫妇已经近3年称这里为家了。

    The royal baby and mom Kate have joined Prince William at a four-bedroom farmhouse looking out over the sea in Anglesey , in north Wales , which the couple has called home for about three years .

  26. 31岁的威廉结束了他目前在北威尔士的英国皇家空军搜救基地的一系列事物,所以他可以在未来几天凯特临盆的时候陪在她身边。

    William , 31 , has ended his current series of shifts at the RAF Search and Rescue base in North Wales so he can be by Kate 's side when she gives birth in the coming days .

  27. 这儿也是新西兰诸多让欧洲粗心游客恍惚的地方:来自苏格兰或北威尔士的游客看到杂草丛生的田地与山峰布局,感觉再熟悉不过了。而后呢?

    It 's also one of those New Zealand environments that throws the unwary European : your eyes settle on a pattern of tussocky fields and hills , so familiar to travellers in Scotland or North Wales : and then - what ? -

  28. 希契科克表示:当你管理28个北爱尔兰威尔士人,又负责50个廓尔喀兵时,你必须处理好与每个人的关系。

    When you are in charge of 28 Welshmen in Northern Ireland , then 50 Gurkhas , you have got to get on with everybody , says Mr Hitchcock .

  29. 由于担心混合球队将影响苏格兰,北爱,威尔士在FIFA中的独立态势,去年一项妥协的谈判艰难地达成了。

    Following fears in Scotland , Northern Ireland and Wales that it may affect their autonomy in the eyes of Fifa , an uneasy compromise appeared to have been negotiated last year .

  30. 北爱和威尔士没有官方教会。

    No established church in Wales or Northern Ireland .