
  1. 孩子没北京户口怎么上学?

    Beijing did not account how the children go to school ?

  2. 工作两年便有可能拿到北京户口,这对于学生来说颇具吸引力。

    The possibility of getting a Beijing hukou in two years appeals to students .

  3. 教育部的此项提议并没有被拥有北京户口的居民所授受。

    The Ministry of Education 's proposal is not being embraced by people who have a Beijing residence permit .

  4. 虽然农村户口享有诸多优惠政策,但对唐延伟而言,北京户口更有吸引力。

    Although there are a lot of preferential policies for rural residents , for Tang , an urban hukou in Beijing is attractive .

  5. 这些地方允许外来私营企业通过投资形式为其本人及亲属等办理北京户口。

    Individual investors from other localities and their family members can be registered as Beijing residents by means of making investment in these towns .

  6. 这个26岁的湖南籍建筑师在发现无法取得北京户口之后,离开北京去了重庆。

    The 26-year-old Hunan-born architect left Beijing for Chongqing after her attempt to get a local hukou , or permanent residence permit , was to no avail .

  7. 而今年年初,当收到到纽约哥伦比亚大学的录取通知时,她不确定两年后自己是否还能拿到北京户口。

    However , when she received the offer from Columbia University in New York earlier this year , she felt unsure about still getting the hukou in two years .

  8. 没有北京户口的人不能在北京买房买车,除非他们缴纳五年以上的社保或个人所得税。

    Without a Beijing hukou , people are not allowed to buy an apartment or a car in the city , unless they pay social insurance or income tax for more than five years .

  9. 他们和所有拥有北京户口的居民(即非外省进京务工人员)一样,享有各种特权,包括比其他地区的居民优先享有中国最好的教育和医疗设施。

    Their privileges , common to all those registered as Beijing citizens ( ie , not migrants from other provinces ) , include readier access than most other Chinese have to some of the country 's best educational and medical facilities .

  10. 李毅说:北京户口竟成了我们感情的负担,我女朋友说北京户口意味着我可以有一个稳定光明的前程,而没有北京户口的她只能另走他路。

    My chance of getting a Beijing hukou was a burden on our relationship , Li says . My girlfriend told me that a hukou means a stable and promising future for me , but without it she has to go her separate way .

  11. 根据现行制度,北京户口让学生在进入北京的大学时占有优势,而中国很多最好的大学都位于北京。此外,北京户口还让北京居民得以享受在中国一些较好医院就诊的医疗保险。

    Under the current system , a Beijing hukou gives students a leg up in getting into the capital 's universities , which are among the best in China , and medical insurance that can help pay for treatment at some of the country 's better hospitals .

  12. 我希望至少6000元月薪并有北京户口,否则,我读研花的时间和金钱就白费了。来自中央财经大学会计专业的研究生、25岁的李绩(音译)如是说。

    I am hoping for at least 6,000 yuan a month with a Beijing hukou . Otherwise , my time and money that went into my study will be wasted , said Li Ji , 25 , a postgraduate majoring in accounting at the Central University of Finance and Economics .

  13. 他在北京没户口。

    He 's an unregistered resident in beijing .

  14. 他说:我想留在北京,因此北京市学生集体户口是个良好开端。

    I want to stay in Beijing , so a students ' collective Beijing urban hukou is a promising start , he says .

  15. 若新规定通过,所有长期居住北京的人都将有可能得到北京户口或居住证。

    If the new rules are approved , the scheme will theoretically give everyone who has lived in Beijing long enough an equal chance to get the much desired hukou , or household registration .

  16. 是指那些在北京工作和生活的人,但是他们没有北京户口,并且时不时地就要搬家。

    people who live and work in Beijing , while without Beijing registered residence and change their houses from time to time .

  17. 据统计,北京的大学毕业生聚居村中,超过85%的人为外地户口,仅15%的人是北京本地户口。

    According to statistics , more than 85 % people in the village are non-local , only 15 % are Beijing local registered resident .

  18. 由于北京收紧归国留学生落户政策,完成学业后不知道会不会更难拿到北京户口。徐曼说。

    As Beijing is restricting the hukou for returned overseas students , I wondered if it will be even harder to obtain after I complete my studies , said Xu .

  19. 户口:在京服役的北京各高校毕业生退伍后,在在京注册的企事业单位任职的,可获得北京户口。

    Hukou : Graduates from colleges in Beijing who are enlisted in the capital will get a Beijing hukou if , after their retirement from the army , they are hired by an entity of any kind registered in Beijing .

  20. 北京市政府新出台的政策规定,北京各大高校本科毕业生年龄超过24岁的将无法取得北京户口。

    Even if you graduated with a bachelor 's degree from a Beijing-based university , you cannot get a local hukou if you are over 24 years old , according to the latest policy issued by the municipal government .