
  1. 他创办了北京大学音乐传习所(PekingUniversityConservatory),1922年,北京大学管弦乐队演奏了《第五交响曲》的第二乐章和《第六交响曲》的第一乐章。

    He created the Peking University Conservatory , and in 1922 , the Peking University Orchestra performed the second movement of the Fifth Symphony and the first movement of the Sixth Symphony .

  2. 1926年冼星海就读于北京大学音乐传习所,1928年进入上海音乐专科音乐学校,学习小提琴、钢琴。

    In1926 he joined the National Music Institute at Peking University to study music and in1928 he entered Shanghai National Music Conservatory to study violin and piano .