
  1. 这就是奥巴马的第一推。无聊吧。(奥巴马和他媳妇正在访问我们的灾难控制中心)

    President Obama and the First Lady are here visiting our disaster operation center right now .

  2. 在西方,包括CNN在内的一些媒体,将这次奥运会称为第一届推特奥运会。

    It has been called the first Twitter Olympics in the West , including on CNN .

  3. 登陆Facebook,看到朋友们分享的关于能自主思考的机器恐龙的有趣故事,这确实很棒(这是我刚刚在自己Facebook页面上看到的第一条推送信息)。

    There 's something wonderful about going on Facebook and seeing that your friends share this funny story about a robotic dinosaur that has an attitude . ( I just saw the first thing in my Facebook feed . )

  4. 邮政通信设备安装工程施工及验收暂行技术规定第一册推式悬挂输送机

    Temporary technical regulation for construction and acceptance of postal equipment installation project volume 1 power and free conveyor

  5. 2014年,女王在科学博物馆参加信息画廊的开幕式时发送了自己的第一条推文。

    She also sent her first tweet in 2014 while opening an information gallery at the Science Museum .

  6. 两周结束的时候,我发出了第一条推特

    And we did it . At the end of that two weeks , I wrote the first tweet ,

  7. 两周结束的时候,我发出了第一条推特,来邀请合作者。

    At the end of that two weeks , I wrote the first tweet , which was inviting coworkers .

  8. 他发自己的第一条推文“刚建立了我的推特”时他没有计划说

    And when he sent out his first tweet , " Just setting up my Twitter " he didn 't plan

  9. 她在2014年发布了自己的第一条推特,而她的个人网站也是早在1997年就架设完毕。

    She sent her first tweet in 2014 and her majesty 's own website was launched as early as 1997 .

  10. 近日,比尔·盖茨开通了自己的微信账号,并在发布的第一份推文中用稍显生涩的中文向中国粉丝们问好。

    Bill Gates has opened a personal account on the popular Chinese social media platform WeChat , greeting Chinese fans in clumsy Chinese in his first post dated .

  11. 后面跟着一大堆记者和摄影师他正打算在这间办公室里将第一份推文发送给世界

    And they 're all these reporters and cameras behind them and he was going to send out his first tweet from the office to the rest of the world

  12. 一路参观办公室之后要发送他的第一份推文这时我被拍了拍肩膀我转过身说“怎么了”

    Taking a tour of the office before going to send his first tweet I got a tap on my shoulder and I turn around and I say , " What is it ? "

  13. 在西方,包括CNN在内的一些媒体,将这次奥运会称为第一届“推特奥运会”。

    It has been called the first " Twitter Olympics " in the West , including on CNN .

  14. 在传统的access+asp电子剪报发布系统基础上添加了RSS的功能后,新信息第一时间被推到用户端阅读器中,帮助用户毫不费力地获取新信息,极大地提高了信息的时效性和价值。

    With the accession of RSS function to the release system of the traditional access + asp electronic briefing , new information will be " pushed " to user 's terminal first - handly , thus increases the efficiency and value of the information .

  15. 第三个主意:不断监控突发新闻网站,然后尽量第一个用推特发送一条有关所发生之事的新鲜趣事。

    Idea three : Constantly monitor news sites for breaking stories and then try to be the first to tweet an edgy joke about what 's happening .

  16. 美国国务院发言人珍·帕莎琪并未对这份录音的不真实内容提出质疑,也未说明是谁窃听了外交官,但是她指出,俄罗斯官员是第一个在推特上发布这条消息的。

    State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki did not raise any doubts about inauthenticity of the recording nor did she say who might bug to the diplomats but she points out Russian officials were the first to Twitter about it .

  17. 文殊菩萨因智慧第一,所以被推为众菩萨之首,后因对观音信仰流传,逐渐被取而代之。

    The manjusri bodhisattva for wisdom , so pushed for the bodhisattva , because of the belief in avalokitesvara after , were gradually replaced .

  18. 接受美学是一种读者中心论,它充分肯定读者对于文学作品的意义和审美价值得以最终实现所具有的决定性作用,第一次把读者推到了整个文学活动的中心。

    Receptive theory is a reader - centered theory , which means that the reader plays the decisive role in presenting the significance and aesthetic value of the work .

  19. 周五晚上的436分钟,分分钟都精彩。在节目播出的第一晚,第一条推特的内容就是:干嘛这么没胆量?

    Four hundred and thirty-six minute by minute on a Friday night , and during that first night , the first Twitter message came : Why be a chicken ?