
  • 网络the third gender;third sex
  1. “thirdgender”(第三性别),指的是那种无法被简单判定为男性或女性的群体。这些词语都被纳入了在线数据库中。

    and " third gender , " a category of people who do not identify simply as male or female , all made it into the online database .

  2. 哥伦布发现美洲大陆前,墨西哥社会倾向于承认第三性别,即生为男性却作为女性生活。

    Pre-Columbian societies in Mexico tended to have a third gender of men who lived as women .

  3. 澳大利亚的护照上现在可以有三种性别选项:男性、女性和第三性别(X)。

    Australian passports will now have three gender options - male , female and x.

  4. 跨性别人群(中性人)指的是改变性别但没有接受变性手术的人,他们的护照上可以自行选择男性或女性选项,但不允许选择第三性别选项。

    Transgendered passport-holders - who have changed gender but not had surgery - will be free to choose either male or female , but will not be allowed to select ' x ' .

  5. 普拉特表示第三性别很重要,因为确实存在很多这样的人,他们从遗传学角度来说是模糊性别,可能只是在出生的时候被随意分配了一个性别而已。

    She said : ' X ' is really quite important , because there are people who are indeed genetically ambiguous and were probably arbitrarily assigned as one sex or the other at birth .

  6. 人们甚至可能称这些机器为“第三性别”:现在,在劳动力市场上,不再仅仅是男女对比的问题,而是男人、女人和机器。

    One might almost call these machines the third great sex : in the labour market now , it is not simply a question of men versus women , but men , women and machines .

  7. 第三,性别差异和年龄也是幽默产生的因素;

    Third , gender difference and age are also factors causing humor ;

  8. 澳大利亚新护照承认“第三种性别”(在生理上无法完全归属于男性或女性的人群)。

    Third sex becomes official : Australian passports now have three gender options-male , female and x.

  9. 中国文化不承认第三种性别或性别模式,任何人的举止,如果和典型的男女性别角色不一样,都难以得到尊重。

    The Chinese culture doesn 't recognize a third gender or gender model , leaving little respect for whoever behaves beyond a typical man and a woman .

  10. 第三,性别、年级、听力损失程度、主要交往对象等人口特征对听障大学生生活满意度的影响不显著。

    Third , the demographic characteristics such as : gender , grade , degree of hearing loss , the main contact persons and so on , these demographic characteristics ' influence on the hearing-impaired students ' life satisfaction is not significant .

  11. 第三章探究性别化叙述与文化以及阶级之间的关系。

    Chapter Three deals with the relations between gendered narration , culture and hierarchy .

  12. 第三,社会性别已经成为具有全球意义的社会关注,更是西方各国高等教育领域研究一股重要的学术思潮。

    Thirdly , gender has been a worldwide concern and even more importantly it has been the main trend of thought in the study of higher education throughout the western countries .

  13. 第三,不同性别、职称、专业、任教年级的教师在各维度上基本不存在显著差异,所以,性别、职称、专业、任教年级不是教师教学行为有效性的影响因素。

    There is basically no significant differences in all dimensions mean of different gender , occupation , profession , teaching grade , so gender , occupation , profession , teaching grade are not factors of the effectiveness of teaching behavior . 4 .

  14. DNA测试显示,还有第三只熊猫的性别也搞错了。2010年出生的三岁熊猫阿宝原来被认为是雄性,其实也是雌性。

    The DNA tests showed a third panda , 3-year-old Po also initially believed to be male , is female as well .

  15. 现代汉语第三人称代词的性别缺点及补正

    Third Personal Pronouns of Modern Mandarin : Flaws and Strategies

  16. 第三,构建就业性别歧视诉讼救济机制。

    Third , to construct the relief litigation system of sex discrimination in employment is suggested .

  17. 威廉王子很可能一不小心,把凯特王妃第三胎的孩子性别给说出来了。

    Prince William may have just accidentally revealed whether he and Kate Middleton are having a girl or boy .

  18. 第三章进行教科书性别倾向的分析,探讨形成倾向的原因以及产生的消极影响。

    The third part analyzes the sex trend in the text books , discussing the cause of the trend of its negative effect .

  19. 同时应谨慎引入市场机制,建立起变性医疗保障与医疗保险制度。第三章探讨了性别变更的法律确认问题。

    At last proposes to set up medical security and medical insurance systems under market systems prudently . Chapter ⅲ discusses issues on legal recognition of gender transition .

  20. 此外,由于临床护理人员均以女性为主,第三部分将讨论性别与步行速度对于下肢工作负荷在生理、生物力学及心理物理等各项指标之影响。

    Owing to nursing professionals are mostly females , the third part of this study discusses the effect of gender and walking speed on physical workload of lower extremity .

  21. 第三个实验涉及性别角色,研究表明,如果一个电子邮件作者的性别未知,当邮件中包含笑脸符号时,更多的人认为发件人是一名女性。

    The third experiment involved the role of gender where the study showed that when the gender of an email writer was unknown and it included a smiley , recipients were more likely to assume that it was sent by a woman .