
  • 网络Second round of quantitative easing;QEII
  1. 刚刚结束了第二轮量化宽松政策的美联储(Fed)似乎已经高挂免战牌。

    The Fed , which has just finished its second dose of quantitative easing , seems determined to sit on its hands .

  2. 2010年11月第二轮量化宽松政策(QE2)的启动则是另一个。

    The kick-off of QE2 in November 2010 was another .

  3. 上一次股市大崩盘后,美联储推出了第二轮量化宽松和“扭转操作”。

    QE2 and operation twist were announced after market drops .

  4. 为什么在明知会损害全球外汇市场的情况下美国仍然要执行它的第二轮量化宽松政策?

    And why is the US implementing a second round of quantitative easing monetary policy when it knows it will hurt the global foreign exchange market ?

  5. 英国央行在十月初启动了第二轮量化宽松,美联储也已暗示可能会进行其整体财政计划中的第三轮量化宽松。

    The Bank of England launched a second round of QE in early October , and the Fed has hinted that it might undertake a third round of its programme .

  6. 一些策略师警告,市场可能已变得过份乐观地认为,美国第二轮量化宽松操作将推动经济牢固进入可持续复苏轨道。

    Some strategists warned that the markets might have become overly optimistic that a second round of quantitative easing in the US would anchor the economy to a sustainable recovery trajectory .

  7. 一些经济学家表示,第二轮“量化宽松”政策并不是那么有效。

    Some economists say this second round of what is known as quantitative easing , or " QE2 , " has not been effective .

  8. 而在金融危机治理后的经济复苏期(2009.10&至今),随着美联储第一轮、第二轮以及第三轮量化宽松货币政策的实施,美元流动性的过剩现象又开始重新显现。

    Then in the time of economic recovery ( 2009.10-until now ), the liquidity began to excess again during the period of the first round , the second round and the third round of quantitative easing monetary policy implementation .

  9. 这些表明第四季度开局良好的初步指标,可能不足以阻止美联储(Fed)在周三启动第二轮量化宽松货币政策,为进一步促进美国经济增长,向经济中再次注入大量资金。

    These initial indicators of a positive start to the fourth quarter are unlikely to be sufficient to prevent the Federal Reserve from pumping money into the economy on Wednesday , in a second round of quantitative easing aimed at boosting the US growth rate further .