
  • 网络The Theory of Balance of Payment;Balance of Payment Theory
  1. 西方传统的汇率理论中影响最为广泛的主要有:购买力平价理论(ppp)、利率平价理论、国际收支理论和资产货币理论。

    The Western tradition influence the exchange rate theory , the most widely used are : purchasing power parity theory , interest rate parity theory , the theory of international balance of payments and assets of the monetary theory .

  2. 文章首先比较分析了这一新的国际收支理论的特点,以及与政策配合理论的主要区别;

    First , the author analyses the characteristics of the new theory , and points out its major differences from the theory of Policy Coordination .

  3. 政策配合理论可以说是目前最有说服力的国际收支理论及宏观经济调节理论,但和其他任何理论一样,该理论也不可能是完美无缺的。

    Though the theory of Policy Coordination may be the most persuasive one among the theories of Balance of payments and Macroeconomic Adjustment , it is not perfect .

  4. 本文以汇率变动理论、国际收支理论、国际贸易理论为依托,采用定性与定量分析相结合的方法,分析了汇率变动对对国际贸易收支影响的制约因素和一般规律。

    Based on the theories of exchange rate changes , balance of payments and international trade , this paper analyses constraints and general laws of exchange rate changes on international trade , with the combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis .

  5. 根据经典的国际收支理论,一国进出口贸易条件只要满足马歇尔&勒纳条件,货币升值会恶化一国贸易收支,贬值则能改善一国贸易收支。

    According to the classical theory of international payments , only if import and export trade of a country meet " Marshall-Lerner " conditions , currency appreciation would make its trade balance worse . On the other hand , depreciation can improve its trade balance of payments .

  6. 关于国际收支的理论研究很早就开始了,并形成了一系列的著名理论,但这些研究以发达国家为主,研究内容侧重于如何调节国际收支总量平衡。

    Theoretical study on the international balance of payments began very early , and formed a series of well-known theory , but those studies are mainly in developed countries , focusing on how to adjust the overall balance of international payments .

  7. 现代有关国际收支的货币理论对休漠的见解又增一层可信性。

    The modern monetary theory of the balance of payments has added an extra layer of assurance to hume 's dictum .

  8. 本文首先回顾了几百年以来国际收支的经典理论,并回顾了近年来国内外学者对国际收支失衡的理论和实证研究。

    This paper first reviews classic theories on balance of payments since hundreds of years ago , as well as recent research on this topic .

  9. 弹性分析理论作为国际收支的重要理论之一,为许多发展中国家所看重,并用于指导本国制定外汇、外贸政策。

    Elasticity analysis theory , one of the important theories for international income and outcome , is favored by many developing countries and is used to direct the making of foreign currency and foreign trade policies .

  10. 文章首先回顾了中国利用外资的情况,第二章文章详述了FDI对东道国国际收支影响的相关理论模型,同时阐述了FDI对东道国经济可能产生的影响。

    First , we look back the situation of making use of foreign capital in China . In the second chapter , we amplify concerned theory models of FDI 's inspect on economy .

  11. 在国际收支货币分析法理论与具体事项结合的前提下,确定该部分需要研究的和控制的变量。

    According to the theory of the monetary approach to balance of payments and specific issues , this part identified some variables which need to be studied and controlled .

  12. 在国际收支的货币主义理论背景下,资本流动与货币供应量之间是一个循环反复的作用过程,二者的相互作用在内部经济与外部经济取得新的均衡时结束。

    According to the monetary theory of BOP , there is a repeated reactive circulation between capital flow and money supply , and the interaction ends as internal and external economy resumes a balance at a new level .

  13. 本文首先以国际直接投资理论和国际收支理论为基础,建立了一个新的理论分析框架,即:外商直接投资通过贸易流动路径和资本流动路径影响东道国国际收支的总体平衡和国际收支的结构。

    At first , this paper set up a new academic analytical frame on the base of the above theories . The frame was that FDI affected the Balance of Payments and its ' structure by Trade Flow Path and Capital Flow Path .

  14. 外商直接投资问题和国际收支问题历来受到学术界的关注,早期的相关研究主要依据两条主线展开:一是国际直接投资理论线,二是国际收支理论线。

    Foreign Direct Investment ( FDI ) and Balance of Payments have been noticed by economic theory circles at all times . Early research could be divided into two different routes : one was the theory of International Direct Investment ;