
guó bié zhèng cè
  • Country policies;policy of dealing with different countries on their own merits
国别政策[guó bié zhèng cè]
  1. 生命形式知识产权的国际公约要考虑国别政策,而国别政策也要考虑国际化背景。

    International conventions for IPRLF are to consider nation state policies , which also should realize internalization background .

  2. 此外,本论文还站在地区政策的角度,认真审视了第二届艾森豪威尔政府的亚洲国别政策,并对亚洲政策中的一些地区性问题进行深入研究。

    Besides , the dissertation researched carefully Eisenhower Administration 's policy toward Asia states from the area policy angle and investigated deeply into several problems with area significance .

  3. 国际产业政策是顺应经济全球化时代由传统国别产业政策转型而来的一种新产业政策。

    International industrial policy , evolved from traditional country industrial policy , is a kind of new industrial policy to adjust economic globalization .

  4. 随着竞争政策与贸易政策、国别竞争政策之间冲突的加剧,多边竞争政策构建趋势势不可挡,而这种趋势势必会对发展中国家的经济带来一定的影响。

    With the conflict pricking up between competition policy and international trade and among competition policies of different countries , the globalization of competition policy can not be stopped . And this tendency will influence the economy of developing countries .

  5. 双方确认各自的国家竞争机构不采取国别歧视的执法政策。

    The United States and China affirm that the enforcement policies of their national competition agencies are not to discriminate on the basis of nationality .