
  • 网络product lifecycle management;Plm;product lifecycle management plm
  1. 制造企业产品全生命周期管理

    Product lifecycle management on manufacturing corporations

  2. 本文以某企业产品全生命周期管理的规划和实施为例,给出了类似项目规划和实施的一般化方法。

    The planning and implementation of Product Lifecycle Management in a manufacturing enterprise is given as an example to demonstrate general implementation methodology of similar projects .

  3. 产品全生命周期管理(ProductLifecycleManagement,PLM)已经成为制造型企业实现制造自动化的现实需求。

    Require ment pattern Product lifecycle management ( PLM ) has become the real demand that manufacture enterprise implement manufacture automation .

  4. 产品全生命周期管理(ProductLifecycleManagement,PLM)随着竞争和合作的全球化及网络技术的发展已成为制造型企业获得竞争优势的必要条件。

    With the development of global competition and collaboration , PLM ( Product Lifecycle Management ) has became the necessary condition in manufacture enterprise .

  5. 鉴于产品全生命周期管理(PLM)正在成为企业产品研发的信息集成管理框架现状,提出了在PLM环境中建设产品平台的设想。

    As product lifecycle management ( PLM ) becoming key information management integration framework for product engineering , building product platform under PLM is proposed .

  6. 借鉴产品全生命周期管理(ProductOverallLifecycleManagement,PLM)的理论及方法,提出农业机械PLM模式,并构建其系统模型,最后综合分析了PLM模式对提升农机制造企业市场竞争力的作用。

    The PLM Mode System of farm machinery are put forward by the thoughts of Product overall Lifecycle Management ( PLM ) . The function of PLM mode is analyzed in promoting market competence of farm machinery manufacturing enterprises .

  7. 最后结合产品全生命周期管理系统IntePLM的开发讨论了产品多视图集成的实现过程。

    Finally the realization process of product multi-view integration in product lifecycle management system ( IntePLM ) is discussed .

  8. 介绍了产品全生命周期管理和工作流技术,分析了PLM系统构建及应用工作流技术构建PLM系统的关键技术:工作流建模技术、Web与CORBA技术和协同工作技术与动态联盟;

    This paper introduces PLM ( product overall lifecycle management ) and Workflow technology , and analyzes the construction of PLM . The key technologies to construct PLM system using Workflow technology are analyzed : Workflow modeling technology , Web and CORBA , collaborative work technology and dynamic alliance .

  9. 基于产品全生命周期管理的信息化协同模型与运作框架

    Collaborative information model and operational framework based on product full-lifecycle management

  10. 产品全生命周期管理平台的集成产品开发流程实现研究

    Research and realization of integrated product development flow based on product lifecycle management

  11. 然而,对产品全生命周期管理的概念、作用和内容等方面仍存在一些混淆。

    Nevertheless , there are still some confusion on its concept , role , and contents .

  12. 本文首先介绍了一种有关产品全生命周期管理的定义并以IT零售商为例进行了简短回顾;

    The paper introduces a definition of Product Lifecycle Management ( PLM ) including a short overview the IT vendors .

  13. 针对这些问题,本文提出了实现产品全生命周期管理的数据组织模型和满足该企业需求的总体解决方案,并详细地描述了项目实施的阶段性目标和过程。

    A general solution for PLM and its product data organization model is given with the projects implementation stages analyzed in detail .

  14. 这些知识在企业各个部门之间的有效共享决定着产品全生命周期管理的成败。

    Whether the knowledge can be effectively shared in the various departments in the enterprise determines whether product lifecycle management success or not .

  15. 为了降低产品全生命周期管理系统的成本,提出了一种以本体论思想为基础,采用适应性对象建模方法构建的产品全生命周期管理模型。

    To reduce the cost of Product Lifecycle Management ( PLM ) system , a PLM model based on Ontology and Adaptive Object Modeling was proposed .

  16. 现有的轮胎产品全生命周期管理主要集中在设计与制造阶段,对轮胎使用与回收处理阶段的研究较少。

    The existing tire product lifecycle management mainly concentrated in the stages of design and manufacturing , and less study in the stage of tire recycling .

  17. 在分析当前国内外工装管理的现状,结合企业的实际情况,根据产品全生命周期管理概念,利用了全生命周期管理思想来解决企业中工装管理中存在的问题。

    The main research in this paper as follow : 1 、 Based on product life-cycle , life-cycle is presented to solve existent problems in enterprise tools management .

  18. 研究一种能支持未知企业间信息交换与共享的机制对供应链管理和产品全生命周期管理具有重要的理论和应用价值。

    There are many important theoretical and practical values to research an information exchange and sharing mechanisms for supply chain management and product lifecycle management between these unknown enterprises .

  19. 因此,长期以来,人们寻求着一种方案,可以用于支持产品全生命周期管理的解决方案,它以快捷及具有成本效益的方法开发出具有竞争力的新产品,并迅速占领市场。

    So , we are searching for a solution , which can support the product lifecycle management . It can be used to develop competitive products quickly under a proper cost and occupy the market fast .

  20. 产品全生命周期管理覆盖了产品生命链的各个环节的管理,产品生命视图直观形象地表达清楚产品的生命状态,为产品生命周期管理提供了信息载体,并将这些信息无缝集成起来。

    Every part of lifecycle chain are covered in the PLMS , and life status of product is clearly and straightly visualized by product life view , which provides PLM with information carrier and integrates information smoothly .

  21. 本文针对Internet环境下的动态联盟,分析并给出了以产品生产全生命周期管理为中心的企业内与企业间的项目管理的因素。

    Aiming at the virtual enterprise based on Internet , this paper analyzes and presents the project management factors of intra-enterprise and inter-enterprise which focus on the whole life cycle of production .

  22. 基于改进TOPSIS方法,建立了产品全生命周期环境管理体系的重要环境因素评价模型;

    Based on improved TOPSIS , it also establishes an important environmental aspects evaluation model of product lifecycle oriented environmental management .

  23. 产品全生命周期过程管理(PLPM)和产品全生命周期信息管理(PLIM)是产品全生命周期管理(PLM)的主要研究内容。

    Product lifecycle process management ( PLPM ) and product lifecycle information management ( PLIM ) are two main researching contents of product lifecycle management ( PLM ) .

  24. 产品全生命周期统一管理手段薄弱,缺乏健全统一的产品目录,各省产品产品编码不统一,业务产品统计分析口径不一致。

    Unified product lifecycle management tools is weak , the product catalog , code no unified management , resulted in analysis .

  25. 提出面向产品全生命周期工艺管理水平的评价指标体系,运用多级模糊综合评价法对工艺管理水平进行评价。

    The products ' whole life oriented index system is presented , and combined with some enterprises ' actual condition the fuzzy evaluation is introduced to evaluate the process planning management .

  26. 随着我国家电业的快速发展以及全球化市场竞争的空前加剧,提高现代制造技术与管理水平,特别是对产品全生命周期的管理已经成了刻不容缓的问题。

    With the rapid development of home appliances and the growing global market competitions , it has been a pressing problem to improve the level of modern manufacturing technology and management .

  27. PDM系统提供产品全生命周期的信息管理,并可在企业范围内为产品设计与制造建立一个并行化的协作环境。

    PDM system provides the information management of the product entire life cycle , and constructs a concurrent collaborative environment for product design and manufacture in the whole enterprise .

  28. 最后,在UG/KF平台上,研制产品全生命周期协同设计管理原型系统,并以断路器产品为对象进行应用验证。

    Finally , a prototype system of collaborative design management system for product life cycle is developed , and validated by using breaker as the object .

  29. 产品模型是产品全生命周期管理的底层支撑,基于UML的产品模型可以解决全生命周期产品定义、过程和资源的一致性问题,同时提供了多种视图来满足不同角度创建系统的需要。

    The product models are the bottom support of the whole product lifecycle management , which have solved the consistency problem of definition , process and resources based on UML , meanwhile , which have met the need of developing the system from different point of views providing various viewports .

  30. 面向产品全生命周期的工艺流程管理系统总体设计方案

    The Design about Product Overall Lifecycle Oriented Process Flow Management System