
ruǎn jiàn huán jìnɡ
  • software environment
  1. 通过它Web开发者可以使整个COM对象访问过程对客户透明,从而消除了对客户端软件环境的依赖性。

    Therefore cut off the dependence on the client-end software environment .

  2. 该系统允许考生在真实的Word软件环境中自由操作答题。

    This system allows the examinees to freely answer questions in real Word software environment .

  3. 三维CAD软件环境下的CAD/CAPP信息集成研究

    Research of CAD / CAPP information integration under the environment of three-dimensional CAD software

  4. FIX组态软件环境下远距离数据通信的实现

    The Realization of Long Distance Data Communication in FIX Configuration Software

  5. 基于AutoCAD的电磁场有限元前处理教学软件环境

    A Teaching Software Environment of Electromagnetic Field Per processing Based on AutoCAD

  6. 然后研究了在SYSTEMVIEW软件环境下设计软件数字累积平均器的技术问题,并给出了软件数字累积平均器通用设计单元;

    Secondly , the problems of designing a software_digital_accumulation_ averager were studied in detail in the System View 's environment and a general unit applied to the averager design was presented .

  7. 在PC的硬件软件环境下发展起来的PACS成为它的一个发展趋势。

    PC-based hardware and software environments are becoming the trend of PACS in the future .

  8. 并行虚拟机(ParallelVirtualMachine,简称PVM)是并行工作站机群系统中流行的并行软件环境之一。

    PVM ( Parallel Virtual Machine ) software is one of the most popular software environments used on parallel workstation cluster system .

  9. ARM内核微控制器的出现,为这个平台提供了良好的硬件基础,而实时操作系统则是这个硬件平台之上最佳的软件环境。

    Occurrence of ARM core offers the excellent hardware basis , and real-time OS is best software settings based on the hardware platform .

  10. 说明采用开源免费的Linux操作系统作为服务器端和各客户端应用程序运行的软件环境是稳定可靠、低成本的。

    Open source and free Linux system operation is stable , reliable and low cost , in which server-side and client applications are to circulate .

  11. Vega是一个用于虚拟现实和实时仿真应用的软件环境,支持复杂视景仿真的快速原型开发。

    Vega is a software environment for virtual reality and real-time simulation application .

  12. CatiaV5软件环境下客车车身数字化设计技术

    Bus Body Digital Design Technique with CATIA V5

  13. 优化NOVELL软件环境充分利用硬件资源

    Optimizing NOVELL Software Environment for Fully Utilizing Hardware

  14. 在CSTMICROWAVESTUDIO电磁仿真软件环境中,从电磁场与人体交互作用的角度仿真了人体通信的信道特性。

    CST Microwave Studio is used to simulate the body channel characteristics from the aspect of interaction between electromagnetic field and human body .

  15. 方法采用统一的工艺装备数据库,基于计算机网络环境,集成工装管理与工装CAD应用软件环境,开发现划的使用功能。

    Methods Based on the unified manufacture equipment data base , the system was set up integrating systems of computer aided management and design for manufacture equipments in the computer network environment .

  16. 7月时,我们曾经列出过Facebook的10个顶级应用程序,但在那个时候,在Facebook中还没有办法开发出具有粘合力群体软件环境。

    We listed our Top10 Facebook Apps : Work in July , but at that time there was no way to create a cohesive groupware environment in Facebook .

  17. 可视化集成软件环境VISE的研究与实现

    Study and Realization of Visual Integrated Software Environment

  18. 在Matlab软件环境下进行了仿真验证。矩阵变换器和电机的转矩和速度变化的相应结果显示了该控制策略的有效性。

    The proposed control system has been validated through simulations with Matlab tools . The waveforms of matrix converter and the speed / torque responses of motor show the effectiveness of the control scheme .

  19. 论文对基于Web的SCADA系统软件环境进行了比较全面系统的分析和研究,包括系统建构方案、软件分析和设计、应用程序整合以及模拟试验研究。

    SCADA software based on Web is analyzed and researched systematically in the thesis , including system architecture , software analysis and design , the full implementation of application system and simulative examination research .

  20. 本文采用浏览器/服务器的结构体系,以套接字、JSP、VRML等为技术支撑,提出了CATIA软件环境下的ASPCAD体系结构,并针对模具标准件库开发出网络化应用系统原型。

    In this dissertation , ASP_CAD system structure and prototype were developed in browser / server mode under CATIA based on SOCKET , JSP , VRML and so on .

  21. 在AutoCAD软件环境下,运用AutoCAD2006的动态块功能建立化工设备标准件图库,并通过工具选项板对图库进行管理。

    Through using the function of dynamic-block of AutoCAD 2006 , parametric standard part database of chemical engineering equipment was established and managed with tool templates under the circumstance of AutoCAD .

  22. 针对当前《信号与系统》的教学境况和虚拟实验平台存在的不足,在Matlab和VISUALBASIC软件环境下,结合实物实验内容,开发了《信号与系统》虚拟实验系统。

    In terms of the current teaching condition of signal and system and the flaws of the virtual experimental platform , the virtual experimental system of signal and system was developed through combining theory and practice under the Matlab and Visual Basic environment .

  23. 利用VXI自动测试系统的硬件环境,运用LabWindows/CVI软件环境实现了对1553B总线系统的数据采集与测试。

    By applying VXI automatic test system and LabWindows / CVI software , data collection and test for 1553B bus system are implemented .

  24. 开发过程中成功剪裁了WinCE操作系统内核并移植到该终端平台,完成了SIP协议栈与语音编解码库的重新编译,搭建起平台的软件环境。

    Successful cutting the kernel of Embedded WinCE operating system and transplanting the system to the terminal platform . We completed the compiling of the SIP protocol and voice codec library .

  25. 本文介绍了利用ActiveX技术在Authorware中实现实时语音输出功能的软件环境要求,结合实例从三个层次分析了实现该功能的程序结构、程序代码和注意事项等。

    This paper addresses the requirements on software in real time speech output by ActiveX in Authorware . The paper also analyzes with examples the program structure , the source code and notice items .

  26. 本文主要研究了纯软件环境下基于IP的实时在线教学系统的实现,目的是为了适应网络状况,充分利用网络资源,在应用层获得好的服务质量,从最终的结果来看,有较好的效果。

    This paper studies the realization of real-time online tutoring system based on IP in pure software environment for the purpose of adaptation to network condition , full utilization of network resource and better service in application layer . The final result proves to be quite successful .

  27. 文章详细分析了系统的结构、重要控制参数的整定,并在SABER软件环境下建立50HzUPS电源的逆变闭环控制系统仿真模型。

    The control structure and the important parameters of the system were described . The emulation model of the 50 Hz UPS close loop invert control system was designed in SABER .

  28. 在给定刀具的结构尺寸、几何角度和工件的几何尺寸以及刀具与工件的相对位置后,即可生成三维建模的过程文件,并在Marc软件环境中完成刀具-工件的三维几何建模。

    After giving the parameters of the structure and geometry of the tool while giving the workpiece dimension and relative position between them , procedure file was made and 3D modeling could be done in Marc environment .

  29. 针对上述问题,本文在深入研究直接分层和自适应分层方法的基础上,基于MDT软件环境,开发了RP数据处理软件。

    Considering the above issues , this paper deals with the direct and adaptive slicing methods of CAD model , and develops the RP data processing software based on the Mechanical Desktop ( MDT ) software .

  30. 以某煤矿重大瓦斯爆炸事故为例,利用Vega和VC++软件环境开发了煤矿重大事故模拟虚拟现实系统。

    Vega and VC + + softwares are firstly applied for developing a major accident simulation virtual reality system for coal mine , with a major gas explosion accident in a coal mine as example .