
  • 网络software defined radio;sdr;Software Defined Radio SDR
  1. 软件定义无线电及软件通信体系结构规范

    Software Defined Radio & Software Communications Architecture Specification

  2. 探讨了软件定义无线电开放的软件通信体系结构(SCA),实现了其核心框架,在此基础上给出了OFDM波形应用的开发过程,这些都为以后其他波形应用的开发提供了基础。

    This paper discusses the open Software Communication Architecture ( SCA ) of Software Defined Radio ( SDR ), implements Core Framework of SCA , and gives the development of OFDM waveform application . All these provide a reference of the new waveform development .

  3. 软件定义无线电结构的测试仪器与RF测量的新热点

    Instruments with Software-defined Radio Architecture The Next Hot Point in RF Test and Measurement

  4. SCA既是针对JTRS系统的强制标准,同时也被软件定义无线电论坛(SDR)和对象管理组织(OMG)接受,并逐渐成为商用软件无线电的体系结构标准。

    The SCA is the mandatory standards for JTRS and has also been accepted by Software Define Radio Forum and Object Management Group ( OMG ) .

  5. 这使开发的软件定义无线电(SDR)技术,其中的无线电收发器完全在软件中执行基带处理:调制/解调,纠错编码和压缩。

    This has enabled the development of software-defined radio ( SDR ) technology , where the radio transceivers perform the baseband processing entirely in software : modulation / demodulation , error correction coding , and compression .

  6. 本文面向软件定义无线电,以支持手机通信和短距离无线通信多模接收机中的频率综合器为研究对象,阐明了多模式通信系统中频率综合器的设计。

    As a first step toward Software-Defined Radio ( SDR ), frequency synthesizer for cellular and short range multi-standard wireless receiver is studied in this thesis .

  7. 软件定义的无线电(SoftwareDefinedRadio):一套允许各种不同通信技术在不需要预先确定互操作性的情况下可以互操作的标准。

    Software Defined Radio : A set of standards to allow a wide array of different communication technologies to interoperate in the field on an as-needed basis without predefined interoperability .

  8. 它的核心是将A/D和D/A变换器尽可能地靠近天线,将电台功能尽可能地采用软件进行定义。软件无线电把硬件作为无线通信的基本平台,而尽可能把无线通信功能用软件来实现。

    The core technology is to put the A / D and D / A converter as closely as possible to the antenna , the radio function is defined as software , and the hardware is treated as the basic platform in software radio .

  9. 在了解传统无线电体系结构的基础上,首先简单介绍了软件无线电体系结构的演化过程:数字无线电、软件定义无线电、理想软件无线电以及虚拟无线电。

    Based on the analysis of analog radio system , the developing history of software radio architecture is introduced , including digital radio , software defined radio , ideal software radio and visual radios .