
  • 网络Digital Communication Technology
  1. 语音通信是人类通信的重要组成部分,伴随着数字通信技术和计算机技术的发展,特别是Internet的出现,基于因特网的数字语音通信技术得了到迅速的发展。

    Voice communication is an important part of human communication , with the development of digital communication technology , especially the Internet , the digital voice communication technology based on internet has developed rapidly .

  2. 随着现代数字通信技术和信息处理技术的不断发展,以及数字电视、网络视频流和DVD技术的广泛应用,视频压缩技术越来越受到人们的重视。

    With the rapid development of modern digital communication technology and the extensive applications of HDTV , Net Video and DVD , video coding techniques are highly regarded now .

  3. Ka波段数字通信技术

    Digital communication technique at Ka - band

  4. 数字通信技术的发展使得各种通信应用呈现出相互融合的趋势,比如电话网、有线电视网与Internet的三网合一趋势。

    The trend of convergence seems among several communication applications such as the " Three networks in one " of telephone , cable TV and Internet along with the development of digital communications .

  5. COFDM技术是一种多载波数字通信技术。

    COFDM is a digital communication technique of multicarriers .

  6. 随着无线数字通信技术的快速发展和人们对于互联网需求的不断增加,无线局域网(WLAN)正在与我们的生活发生着越来越密切的联系。

    With the rapid development of wireless digital communication and the increasing demand for the Internet , WLAN are now approaching closer and closer to human life .

  7. 数字通信技术、集成电路设计技术及半导体制造技术的发展使得在单芯片上实现高速QAM解调器成为可能。

    It is possible to implement a single-chip high-speed QAM demodulator on account of the development of digital communication , microelectronics and integrated circuit ( IC ) design .

  8. 通过近几年的发展建设,在电力通信网中,PDH、SDH、ATM等数字通信技术已大量使用。

    With the developing and construction in these years , the power communication system has been formed its initial scale , the communication technology such as PDH , SDH and ATM etc.

  9. 计算机网络与数字通信技术正得到飞速发展,卫星通信、蜂窝通信、计算机局域网、广域网和激增的Intranet及Internet的广泛应用,使分布式数据库系统应运而生,并成为计算机技术最活跃的研究领域之一。

    Distributed database ( DDB ) system is becoming one of the most active IT fields with the quick development of computer network and communications technology and wide employment of satellite communications , cellular communications , LAN , WAN , Internet and Intranet .

  10. 本论文以软件无线电技术为依据,参考数字通信技术,数字信号处理技术与EDA应用技术,完成了一新型接收机的基带解调系统的设计与研究工作。

    This thesis is based on software radio technology , also refers to digital communication system , digital signal processing technology and EDA technology . a new type of receiver baseband demodulation system of design .

  11. 这种由多载波调制技术发展而来的数字通信技术,其显著特点是各个子载波均相互正交,一般采用IFFT设计实现。

    OFDM is developed from MCM ( multi-carrier modulation ) technology . Its outstanding feature is that all the sub-carriers are orthogonal with each other and it can be realized by IFFT .

  12. Inmarsat-C系统使用的是数字通信技术,提供了存储一转发、电报、数据报告、询呼等多种通信业务。

    The Inmarsat-C system , which uses digital communication technology , provides various communication services including data saving , transmitting , telegram , data report , polling and so on .

  13. 采用SDH、PDH光缆数字通信技术,给出农电企业光通信系统的总体设计方案,阐述设备选型以及技术指标的确定,总结了农电企业光通信系统建设与应用的基本模式。

    By utilizing SDH and PDH optical cable digital communication technology , presents the overall design plan of optical fiber communication system of the rural power enterprises . Explains the technical specification and the selection of equipment . Summarizes the basic design model and its application .

  14. 红外成像系统模拟信号处理及数字通信技术

    Analog Signal Processing and Digital Communication Technology of Infrared Imaging System

  15. 数字通信技术在工业有线对讲系统中的应用

    The application of digital telecommunication technology in industry communication system

  16. 与此同时,数字通信技术也取得了长足发展。

    Meanwhile the digital communication technology is promoted fast .

  17. 电力线载波数字通信技术研究与实践

    Research and Practice on Power Line Carrier Digital Communication

  18. 煤矿井下高速数字通信技术难题及实现方法研究

    Research of difficulties and solutions of the broadband communication in underground coal mine

  19. 微波与数字通信技术国家重点实验室

    State Key Laboratory of microwave and digital communications

  20. 数字通信技术是未来信息传输的发展方向。

    The digital communication technology is tendency of the development about information transmission in the future .

  21. 随着宽带数字通信技术的发展,分块传输技术逐渐成为近年来的研究热点。

    With broadband communication 's development , block-wise transmission techniques have become a hot research field .

  22. 随着科技的发展,数字通信技术在各个领域得到广泛的应用。

    With the development of digital communication technology has a wide range of applications in many fields .

  23. 数字通信技术的发展

    Development of Digital Communication Technique

  24. 同时,随着数字通信技术和无线通信技术的发展,数字图像技术在通信领域中得到飞速发展。

    With the development of digital communication and wireless communication technology , digital image technologies have developed rapidly .

  25. 从数字通信技术角度提出了混沌同步定义,指出混沌数字保密通信的应用研究重点是混沌严格同步技术。

    Our own definition of chaotic synchronization is proposed based on the digital communication technology for the first time .

  26. 计算机数字通信技术及信息技术的发展,推动了自动化技术的进步;

    The development of the techniques of computer digital communication and information are propelling the progress of automation technology .

  27. 着重阐述了电力线载波通信发展的历史以及数字通信技术在电力线载波通信上的应用。

    The developing history of PLC communication and the application of digital communication technique on the PLC communication are described .

  28. 在人类探索和开发海洋的过程中,水声数字通信技术得到了迅速发展。

    During the process to exploring the ocean , the digital underwater acoustic communications ( UAC ) have developed rapidly .

  29. 随着数字通信技术的发展,广播电视系统已经开始全面进行数字化。

    With the development of digital communication technologies , the digitalization of broadcasting and television system has been generally undergoing .

  30. 本文所介绍的是采用数字通信技术实现船舶水下噪声测量的数据传输。

    In this article , we introduce the digital communication technology which accomplish data transfers in the underwater ship noise test .