
  • 网络digital printing;Digital Print
  1. 可调整的B样条插值在纺织数码印花中的应用

    A Study on the Application of Adjustable B-Spline in Textile Digital Printing

  2. 纺织品静电数码印花新思路&电子油墨热转印

    New thought of textile static digital printing & heat transfer of electronic ink

  3. 国内现有的数码印花机大多采用在PC上完成对图案数据的处理,然后将处理后的打印数据送至印花机喷头。

    Most existing domestic inkjet printers accomplish image data processing on PC , and transfer the data to the printing nozzle afterwards .

  4. 在伦敦时装秀中,眼看就要被永久定位为Photoshop女王的玛丽・卡特兰佐(MaryKatrantzou)却未展示任何数码印花作品。

    Just short of being forever typecast as the queen of Photoshop , Mary Katrantzou included not a single digital print on her London runway .

  5. 羊绒织物数码印花防渗化性能的研究

    Research of the Digital Printing Performance of Anti-bleeding on Cashmere Fabric

  6. 数码印花活性墨水的性能及其应用

    Property and application of reactive ink for digital jet printing

  7. 数码印花的调色方法简介

    Brief introduction to color mixing in digital printing

  8. 数码印花技术的核心是图像数据处理与喷印控制。

    The key parts in digital printing technology are image data processing and printing control .

  9. 网络数码印花技术

    Digital Printing Technology Based on Network

  10. 数码印花技术的进展

    Development of digital printing technology

  11. 数码印花技术应用探讨

    Application of digital printing technigue

  12. 棉针织物数码印花技术

    Digital printing of cotton knitgoods

  13. 采用涂料型墨水和染料型墨水分别对两种皮革的数码印花工艺进行研究。

    This paper was focus on the digital printing process on two kinds of leathers using pigment and dye .

  14. 用于纺织品数码印花的Helizarin@EVOP-100涂料型墨水喷墨印花技术开辟纺织数码印花新纪元

    New textile pigment ink for jet inks ( Helizarin @ Evop-100 inks ) Inkjet printing on textiles Era of cooperation

  15. 介绍了数码印花活性墨水的主要组成,以及各组分,如表面活性剂、杀菌剂等作用。

    The main composition of reactive ink for digital jet printing , and function of surfactant and bactericide were introduced .

  16. 目前的通用处理器无法对大量图案数据进行实时处理,这使得数码印花机的印花速度受到限制。

    Current general-purpose micron-processors can not afford real-time data processing , which then limit the print speed of the inkjet printer .

  17. 采用工艺一对蓝色皮革进行数码印花,碱性预处理工艺较酸性预处理工艺好。

    The pretreatment of alkali solution is better than acid solution when using process one in digital printing of blue sheep leather .

  18. 数码印花技术是创新设计技术与工程技术结合的新技术,是对传统印花方式的突破。

    The digital printing technology , a breakthrough to the traditional printing technology , is the combination of the innovative design technology with the engineering technology .

  19. 从裁片数码印花的印花成本、交货周期及产品质量的分析中可以看出,在成衣或裁片印花方面数码印花要优于传统丝网印花。

    After compare the printing cost , lead time and product quality , we found that digital printing is better than traditional screen printing on panel or garment .

  20. 介绍了电子油墨热转印的原理及特点,并由此提出了纺织品静电数码印花的新思路&电子油墨热转印。

    The principle and characteristics of electronic ink and heat transfer of electronic ink was introduced in this paper . Thus comes out the new thought of textile digital printing .

  21. 介绍了数码印花的特征、产品用途和技术新进展,包括前后处理配套设备、数码印花机、印花墨水等方面的进展。

    The new development of characteristics and usage and technology of digital jet printing were introduced , including equipment of pre - and after-treatment , digital jet printing machine and ink etc.

  22. 根据数码印花独有的特点,将这种数据传输方法应用到数码印花系统中,并对数码印花系统的硬件部分及硬件监控程序进行设计。

    According to digital printings proper character , It is possible to apply the method to digital print system , and design the hardware and its watching program of digital print system .

  23. 数码印花技术相对传统丝网印花技术具有精度高、耗能低、污染低、交付周期短等显著优势,是未来印花技术的发展方向。

    Compared to traditional screen printing , digital printing has many significant advantages , such as high image precision , energy-efficient , low pollution and short delivery cycle . Therefore , digital printing may become the main printing technology in future .

  24. 文章分析了纺织品上有害物质的来源,并论述了选择绿色纤维、生物酶的应用、天然染料的应用、数码印花及超临界二氧化碳流体染色等绿色染整技术。

    The source of nocuous material from textiles is analyzed . The green dyeing-finishing techniques are discussed from the aspects of green fibre selection , enzyme application , natural dyes application , digital printing and super-critical CO_2 fluid dyeing and so on .

  25. 对服装大批量定制中的关键技术,如体型测量技术、个性化服装设计技术、服装变型设计技术、面料数码印花技术和服装加工技术等作了分析。

    The key technologies in the mass production are summarized and analyzed , such as the body measure technology , the software for " individualized " clothes design , the apparel variant design technology , digital printing technology , and clothes making-up .

  26. 介绍了传统印花在筛网制作、雕刻、平网印花机等方面近年来国外公司的发展动向;数码印花的特点及技术进展;

    The paper introduces the developing trends in traditional printing in terms of screen making and engraving both at home and abroad in recent years , also the advances in digital printing , and successful application of digital heat transfer printing in domestic apparel industry .

  27. 织物数码喷墨印花采用染料型墨水为多,目前有CMYK墨水技术和预配色墨水技术两种,后者成本低,似是发展方向。

    There are two technologies of CMYK ink and pre-color matching ink , the latter seems to be the developing trend as it features lower cost .

  28. 数码喷射印花的应用数码印花技术的进展

    Apply the digital technique in jet printing Development of digital printing technology

  29. 活性翠蓝墨水在棉布和丝绸上的数码喷墨印花

    Digital Ink-Jet Printing of Cotton and Silk Fabrics with Reactive Turquoise Blue

  30. 纺织品数码喷墨印花研究现状

    The present research situation of digital ink jet printing technology of textiles