
  • 网络Chestnut shell;chestnut rind
  1. 他们呼地&声把啤酒杯放在擦得锃亮的桌子上,要求再加满栗壳色的啤酒。

    And they banged their mugs on the polished tables and asked for more of the nut-brown ale .

  2. 栗蒲壳培养料栽培平菇的研究

    A research on mushroom cultivation with Chinese chestnut shells

  3. 脱壳后的栗仁与带壳板栗不同,呼吸强度明显增加,耐贮性下降,在常温下30d腐烂率达10%~13%,褐变率为15%~18%,并出现了发芽现象。

    Chestnut kernel with higher respiration rate than that of chestnut fruit reflected its more difficulty in preservation . The rot rate was 10 % to 35 % , and the browning rate was 15 % to 18 % , after stored at room temperature for 30 days .

  4. 在粤东栗区1年发生7个世代,以幼虫在落地栗壳、树干等处越冬。

    The larvae overwintered in the fallen chestnut shells and trunks .