
  1. 在求出混合自回归时间序列模型的成分个数的基础上,应用BP神经网络对时间序列进行了预测,并对模型进行了数值模拟表明该预测模型的具有较高的精确度和广泛的应用前景。

    On the basis of components number estimation in mixture autoregressive model of time series , this paper use BP neural network method to forecast the time series , and example calculation manifest the high accuracy of model and wide prospect in practical forecasting .

  2. 今后必须在提高每穗颖花数的基础上,改进有效穗数和粒重,使三者均衡提高。

    Increase of the spikelets per panicle should be in parallel with the effective tillers and grain weight .

  3. 在网络安全认证加密中的随机数的基础上,提出了一类新型的李沙育混沌流密码。

    This paper presents a kind of novel Lissajous chaotic stream ciphers based on the analysis of the random number in network security authentication cryptography .

  4. 由此可知,在适宜穗数的基础上取得相对较大的穗型应该是直播稻获得高产的主攻方向。

    Therefore , to achieve relatively large panicle type in suitable panicle is the main direction of the highest yield in direct seeding rice . 2 .

  5. 本研究结果表明在保证获得足够穗数的基础上,小麦茎蘖成穗率是易于掌握、能准确反映群体质量的重要指标;

    The results indicated that increasing the percentage of main stems and tillers while stabling suitable panicles was the important and easily grasped indication of Population-Quality .

  6. 在统计广西86个气象站历年冬寒日数的基础上,分析了平均冬寒日数、最多和最少冬寒日数的地区分布。

    The regional distribution of mean 、 most and least cold days in winter were analyzed based on the cold days in winter over the years of 86 stations .

  7. 本文在修订篮球专项课教学大纲、安排课时数的基础上,对几种教学方法进行了探索。

    This is a probe into several teaching methods , based on adapting " The Outlineof Basketball Teaching as a Course " to teaching work , and on the number of class hours allocated to basketball teaching .

  8. 在已知链烃构成基团种类与个数的基础上,提出基于基团组合的链烃分子构造方法与结构子图的同构图区分方法。

    On the basis of knowing number and type of structural groups of paraffins , a molecular construction method by group combination and an approach to distinguish isomorphic graphs , which is called structural sub graph method , are proposed .

  9. 在四元数的基础上研究了非完整航天器多体系统姿态的最优控制问题,并基于哈密顿方程的航天器非完整系统稳定性问题;(6)应用磁悬浮来实现航天器姿态控制全物理仿真系统。

    The nonholonomic spacecraft attitude of multibody system optimal control problems on quaternion , and based on the Hamiltonian equations of spacecraft nonholonomic system stability problem are studied . ( 6 ) Application of magnetic levitation to achieve physical simulation of spacecraft attitude control system .

  10. 水稻每穗颖花数的遗传基础剖析及其主效QTLs精细定位

    Dissection of the Genetic Bases of the Number of Spikelets Per Panicle and Fine Mapping of Its Major QTLs

  11. 时至今日,经过SalesForce.com、Amazon和其他一些厂商数年的基础性努力以后,云计算的大潮似乎即将横扫硬件和软件产业领域,这将是超出任何人想象的。

    Today , after some years of foundational work by SalesForce . com , Amazon and others , it seems that a massive wave is about to sweep the software and hardware industry well beyond anyone 's imagination .

  12. 在完善绝对数分析的基础上,补充了相对数分析内容。

    The content of relative number analysis is supplemented on the basis of perfecting absolute number .

  13. 请解释此支链淀粉分支数测定的基础。

    Explain the basis of this procedure for determining the number of ( al → 6 ) branch points in amylopectin .

  14. 方法在室内试验和数模的基础上,对注蒸汽和加氮气吞吐进行了研究。

    Method Based on indoor experiment and numerical simulation , study on steam injection and nitrogen huff and puff is carried out .

  15. 在引入模糊数概念的基础上,给出了三角模糊数方程的简便求解方法。

    Based on the introduced fuzzy numbers , this paper provides a simple way and an operation law of the equation of triangular fuzzy numbers .

  16. 在介绍盲数定义的基础上,首次将盲信息的处理运用到大坝安全监控综合评判的工程实例中。

    Based on introducing the definition of blind data , the process method of blind information is applied to the practice on dam comprehensive assessment .

  17. 文章在定义图段和相邻数概念的基础上,提出了由局部性质计算二值图像欧拉数的一种新公式,并进行了证明。

    In this paper , a new formula of the Euler Number computing is proposed and is proved , based on the definition of the Figure Segment and Neighbor Number .

  18. 为了解决这一问题,在分析了一个分段线性映射的、决定论混沌的随机数发生器的基础上,根据它的混沌公式提出了基本的仿真原理。

    To solve the problem , the paper analyzes a deterministic chaos RNG based on Piecewise Linear Map , and then presents the principle for simulation according to its chaotic equation .

  19. 在数集的基础上,在整数域上建立了一个新的交换半群,并在有理数域、实数域和复数域上进行了推广;

    Based on the number set , a new commutative semi-group is established in the integer number and extended in number fields of rational number , real number and the complex number .

  20. 随着对软件缺陷重视程度的提高,人们提出了很多软件缺陷预测模型,但所有的模型都只停留在缺陷数预测的基础上,不能系统分析出导致预测结果的真正原因。

    With the improvement of thinking much of software defects , more software defects predict model are proposed , but all models rest on defects prediction . , the real reason which lead to prediction result could not analyzed .

  21. 在莘数理论、的基础之上,对层函数和不等式的内容作了初步的探讨,并在OX1,和OSP的范围内给一个历史趣题以进一步的解释。

    And ? , preliminarily discusses layer function and inequality . The historical interest problem is further explained in the OX 1 and OSP range .

  22. 第一部分是讲与一物数卖相关的基础理论。

    The first part is the foundation theories related to thing sold for times .

  23. 母猪生殖器官大小和产仔数的分子遗传基础

    Study of Molecular Genetics of the Size of Reproductive Organs and Litter Size in the Sow

  24. 在数模结果的基础上,讨论了实验工况条件下,连铸拉速和钢水过热度的合适控制值范围。

    Based on the result of numerical simulation , the control extent of casting speed and superheat were researched under the experimental condition .

  25. 网络型行业的竞争应该建立在数网竞争的基础上,但这一制度的均衡性将取决于利益集团进一步的竞争博弈。

    Such kind of institution might be a consideration on the public interests or the outcome of the institutional competition among interest groups .

  26. 在原有灰数运算规则的基础上,提出了简单灰数、合成灰数以及复合灰数的运算规则。

    Based on the existing algorithms of grey numbers , the algorithms of simple grey numbers , complex grey numbers and multiple grey numbers are proposed .

  27. 在研究模糊数量化理论的基础上,力图找到一种数量化程度较高,并且能反映含有定性与定量变量系统的实用方法。

    Based on the fuzzy quantitative theory , a practical method in the high-test quantitative and combined with the quantitative and qualitative variable system has been proposed in this paper .

  28. 本文在新给出的三角模糊数距离公式的基础上,提出了一种三角模糊数多属性决策的排序方法。

    On the basis of the new distance formula for triangular fuzzy numbers given by the paper , a priority method for triangular fuzzy numbers multiple attribute decision making is given .

  29. 本文从复合行为犯的行为入手,在厘清实行行为及其个数判断标准的基础上为复合行为犯确定概念,以此为基础,展开对复合行为犯特殊犯罪形态的论述。

    This article started with the act of multiple acts crime , then based on clarifying what perpetrating act is and the standard to judge the odd or plural of perpetrating act to define multiple acts crime .

  30. 表明,适宜的施氮时期可促进完善小花的形成,提高可孕小花的数目,从而为穗粒数的增加奠定基础。

    And the results showed that differentiation of well floret was promoted , number of fertile floret was increased , under the proper stage with dressing nitrogen . And also which would provide a basis of grain number increased . 3 .