
  • 网络saturday review
  1. 它只是夸大的广告,一个庞大的与公共关系的工作(星期六评论)

    It is pure hype , a gigantic PR job ( Saturday Review )

  2. 四十年代侵略和暴力的军国主义复活(星期六评论)

    A revival of the aggressive , jack - booted militarism of the Thirties and Forties ( Saturday Review )

  3. 对毁灭性力量的拥有并未减缓向更残忍的大规模杀伤手段发展的速度(星期六评论)

    The possession of annihilative power has not slowed down the drive toward even more fiendish modes of inflicting wholesale death ( Saturday Review )

  4. 个体论及个人主义论可以称作是约翰韦恩的个人及社会观(星期六评论)

    The kind of atomism and individualism that is implicit in what might be called the John Wayne conception of society and the individual ( Saturday Review )

  5. 梅尔森,一位天空体育足球星期六栏目的评论人,在讨论红军主教练霍德格森的去留问题的时候突然又开始质疑强森的表现。

    Merson , a pundit on Sky Sports'Soccer Saturday programme , was discussing the departure of Reds manager Roy Hodgson when he called Johnson 's performances into question .