
  • 网络The star-spangled banner;Star Spangled Banner;The Stars and Stripes Forever;Home Of The Brave
  1. 泰勒11岁时,就在费城76人队的一场比赛前唱过美国国歌《星条旗永不落》。

    She sang " The Star-Spangled Banner " before a Philadelphia76ers game at the age of11 ;

  2. 如果你看了周一的总统就职,你会听到碧昂斯唱《星条旗永不落》。

    If you watched Monday 's presidential inauguration , you heard Beyonce sing " The Star-Spangled Banner . "

  3. 惠特尼在第二十五届超级杯赛上,用一曲《星条旗永不落》(TheStarSpangledBanner)震撼了世界,并为国歌增添了商业价值。

    Houston 's powerful rendition of " The Star Spangled Banner " at Super Bowl XXV got such an overwhelming response that it was released as a commercial single .

  4. 如果在学校乐队演奏国歌《星条旗永不落》时你的铙钹突然断掉,你会怎么做?

    What would you do if your cymbal broke right in the middle of your school bands performance of the Star Spangled Banner ?

  5. 谁为《星条旗永不落》作词?他是本杰明•富兰克林,弗朗西斯•斯科特•基,贝琪•罗丝还是约翰•菲利普•苏沙?

    Now , who wrote the words to " The Star-Spangled Banner " : was it Benjamin Franklin , Francis Scott Key , Betsy Ross or john Philip Sousa ?

  6. 本月早些时候红白音乐会上,国歌《星条旗永不落》的演出变得非常欢乐,因为铜钹乐手不幸遭遇意外事件。

    A performance of the Star Spangled Banner at the Red & White concert turned hilarious earlier this month when the cymbal player suffered an unfortunate accident during the song .