
  • 网络Starry Sea;ova
  1. “祝”,表达了对人类踏进星辰大海的美好祝愿,“融”,体现融合、协作,表达中国人和平利用太空、增进人类福祉的格局和愿景。

    Zhurong is the god of fire in ancient Chinese mythology and cooperation ) reflects China 's vision of the peaceful use of space and the building of a community with a shared future for humanity .

  2. 对于更遥远的未来,他变得有点更为雄心勃勃,声称小米的未来就像“星辰大海”。

    Beyond that , he becomes somewhat more ambitious , claiming Xiaomi 's future " is as vast as the constellations and beyond . "