
  • 网络THE CONSTELLATION PROGRAM;project constellation
  1. 其中一个棘手的问题就是当前星座计划的关键组件战神一号火箭的安全性。

    A particularly sticky issue is the safety of the Ares I rocket , a key component of the current Constellation program .

  2. 预算数字将表明,政府实际上计划扼杀要求2020年前重返月球的星座计划。

    The budget numbers will show that the administration effectively plans to kill the Constellation program that called for a return to the moon by2020 .

  3. 星座计划还包括另一项任务-研究在月球上建立殖民地的可行性。

    Constellation also intended to study the idea of establishing a moon colony .

  4. 一位白宫高级官员称,与“星座计划”相比,新计划有望使新型火箭提前两年面世。

    " This is a rocket that is going to happen two years earlier than would 've happened under the past programme ," a senior White House official said .

  5. 以前指定用于星座计划的基金可以用于研究项目,包括机器人以及其它为人类最终去往火星的使命做准备所需要的技术。

    Funds previously earmarked for the Constellation program would be used for research projects that include robotics and other technologies needed to prepare for an eventual human mission to Mars .

  6. 然而,有些成员,尤其是星座计划常务审查团的主席博丹拜吉姆克,争辩道战神一号应该在安全方面获得比竞争者更高的评分。

    Still , some members , notably Bohdan Bejmuk , chair of the Constellation program Standing Review Board , argued that the Ares I should get a higher safety rating than its competitors .

  7. 白宫官员称,总统奥巴马要求美宇航局加快新型大型运载火箭的研发工作,在星座计划取消的情况下,要在2015年之前,完成新型火箭的研发任务,运载宇航员向宇宙更深处探索。

    But White House officials said that President Obama wants NASA to begin work on building a new heavy lift rocket sooner than envisioned under the cancelled Constellation programme , with a commitment to decide in 2015 on the specific rocket that will take astronauts deeper into space .

  8. 介绍了美国最新研制的GPS接收机及抗干扰设备,概述了美国新一代GPS星座发展计划及对提高未来GPS抗干扰性能的影响。

    The influence of new generation GPS program on improvement of GPS anti-jamming performances in the future was described .

  9. “星座”计划原打算在2020年让宇航员重返月球。

    The programme has sought to send astronauts back to the moon by 2020 .

  10. 国内顶尖空间承建方中国航天科技集团今年将开始建设我国最大的卫星星座,计划为全球用户提供通信服务。

    China 's leading space contractor China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp will start building the country 's largest satellite constellation this year , with plans to offer communication services to users around the world .

  11. 问题3.美国航天局原打算借助“星座”登月计划做什么?

    Question 3.What did NASA 's Constellation Programme originally plan to do ?

  12. 与其他的太空探索计划相比,“星座”登月计划是最没有吸引力的。”官网上如是说。

    was the least attractive approach to space exploration as compared to potential alternatives . " the site says .

  13. 美国白宫预算办公室的官网公布称,“星座”登月计划进度落后于原定计划,

    On its website , the White House Budget Office says the programme to send astronauts to the moon is behind schedule ,