
  1. 溶剂极性越大,反应越快,收率越高。

    The higher polarity the solvent has , the quicker the reaction was .

  2. 离子含量越高,基体极性越强,这种效应越明显;

    The interaction is more effective in the case of higher ion content and stronger polar matrix .

  3. 橡胶的极性越大及分子链的柔性越高,则复合材料的压电常数d(33)越高。

    The greater the polarity and the molecular flexibility of rubbers , the higher the piezoelectric constants of the composites .

  4. 光阴极电压越高,背景噪声随温度的升高而增大的趋势越明显。

    With the increasing of temperature , the higher the photocathode voltage is , the greater the slope of background noise growing curve is .

  5. 根据束流测试结果,文章简略讨论了电子极间渡越时间对束流及枪设计的影响。

    According to the result of the measurement , the effects on beam pulse and gun design of the electron transit time between electrodes are discussed shortly .

  6. 极紫外光的波长越短,与软X射线的谱区重叠越多。

    The wavelength of extreme ultraviolet ( EUV ) radiation is so short that it overlaps with soft X-ray spectral band .

  7. 结果表明,TATB与氟聚合物间界面张力及粘附功的大小主要由它们的极性匹配情况决定,极性越匹配,则界面张力越小,粘附功越大,粘接越牢固。

    The results show the TATB has small interfacial tension and big adhesive work to fluoropolymer when their polarity is matching very well .

  8. 结果表明,该预聚物的成环率和溶剂的极性有关,溶剂的极性越强,成环率越低。

    The result showed that the composition of naphthoxazine was dependent on the polarity of the reaction medium , the stronger of solvent polarity , the less of ring content .

  9. 有机物从水相到胶束相的相转移自由能与其本身的极性和RnTAC的碳氢链长有关,极性越小、表面活性剂的碳氢链越长,增溶越容易。

    The longer the hydrophobic chain of R_nTAC and the less the polarity of organic compound , the easier for it to transfer from aqueous phase to micelle phase .

  10. 溶剂的极性对聚合反应过程和产物减阻性能有显著影响,极性越大,聚合反应速度越快,聚合物减阻率越大。

    Polymerization rate and drag reducing efficiency increased with growth of solvent polarity .

  11. 本文以增长极理论为基础,对休闲产业的战略地位进行了分析,认为休闲产业能够成为地区经济发展的增长极并发挥越来越重要的作用。

    Based on the growth pole theory , this paper analyzes strategy status of leisure industry , draws the conclusion that leisure industry can become a growth pole for regional economic development , and plays a more and more important role .