
  1. 安塞尔·埃尔格特(《极盗车神》主演)饰演一名在纽约大都会艺术博物馆一次爆炸事故中幸存下来的男性,他从废墟中拿走了一幅珍贵的荷兰油画。

    Ansel Elgort ( Baby Driver ) stars as a man who survives a bombing at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York , and takes a valuable Dutch painting from the wreckage .

  2. 安塞尔·埃尔格特(《极盗车神》)和少有人知的雷切尔·泽格勒将饰演托尼和玛丽亚——一对卷入1957年纽约市两大帮派(鲨鱼帮和杰茨帮)战争的苦命鸳鸯。

    Ansel Elgort ( Baby Driver ) and the little-known Rachel Zegler are Tony and Maria , the star-crossed lovers caught in a gang war between the Sharks and the Jets in 1957 New York City .

  3. 《极盗车神》日前入围了美国电影评议评选的十佳电影榜单,烂番茄评分93%,票房收入超过1亿美元。

    Baby Driver recently placed on the National Board of Review 's Top 10 list . The film holds a 93 % on Rotten Tomatoes and took in over $ 100 million dollars at the box office .

  4. 该片讲述了托尼和玛丽亚这对罗密欧和朱丽叶式的苦命恋人卷入了1957年纽约市鲨鱼帮和杰茨帮之间的帮派斗争。曾主演《极盗车神》的安塞尔·埃尔格特饰演托尼,没什么名气的瑞秋·齐格勒饰演玛丽亚。

    Ansel Elgort ( Baby Driver ) and the little-known Rachel Zegler are Tony and Maria , the star-crossed Romeo and Juliet caught in a gang war between the Sharks and the Jets in 1957 New York City .