
  • 网络Guarantee amount;amount guaranteed;amount of guarantee;amount of bond
  1. imf建议,所有金融机构根据自身债务规模(减去一级资本和担保存款额)支付税款。

    The IMF recommends making all financial institutions pay the levy based on the size of their liabilities , minus tier one capital and insured deposits .

  2. 尚未偿还的用证券担保的贷款额已在过去六个月里翻了一番还多,最近已超过1万亿元人民币。

    Outstanding margin financing had more than doubled in the last six months , recently exceeding 1 trillion renminbi .

  3. 但是,一些向低收入人群提供贷款的小额信贷机构由于没有担保或担保额很小而面临越来越大的压力。

    But some of the microfinance institutions that lend money to low-income people with no or little collateral have come under increasing pressure .

  4. 为避免重复计算,合并报表范围内母公司的两个子公司发生的关联担保计入子公司的担保额,母公司不再计入。

    In order to avoid double counting , within the framework of consolidated subsidiaries occurred in the parent company of two subsidiaries , associated with a security included in the loan guarantees are not included in the parent company .

  5. 根据该计划,按揭证券公司向贷款银行提供担保并收取担保费,担保额最高达物业价值的15%。

    Under the scheme , the HKMC provides a guarantee at a fee to the lending bank for an amount up to15 per cent of the value of the property .

  6. 多边担保机构的业务也在扩大,担保额从五年前的6亿美元增加到现在的逾15亿美元。

    So too is the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency ( MIGA ), where guarantee coverage has risen from $ 600 million five years ago to over $ 1.5 billion today .