
  1. 论现代极少主义风格的室内设计

    On interior design of modern minimalist style

  2. 但是我们发现,在大量的极少主义风格的作品涌入中国的时候,我们设计师只是照抄,硬套。

    However , we found that a large number of rare works and the influx of Chinese-style , we simply copied the text of the designer , bowls .

  3. 文章对坂茂及其作品进行了合乎当代文化语境的解读,认为极少主义风格、西方中产阶级审美情趣和价值观是构成其设计思想的重要精神谱系。

    With the anatomy of his works in the contemporary cultural context , the paper deems that the Minimalism , the aesthetic taste and axiology of the middle class in west is the pursue of his projects .