
  1. 说多少废话都无法掩饰这最多只是一个极简主义的解决方案。

    No amount of flannel could disguise that this was , at best , a minimalist solution .

  2. “极简主义”就是舍弃那些你不用或者不需要的物品,只留下简单整洁的环境和一个简单整洁的生活。

    It 's simply getting rid of things you do not use or need , leaving an uncluttered , simple environment and an uncluttered , simple life .

  3. “极简主义”是对生活中的关注重点进行重新评估,这样你就可以舍去那些不会为你的生活带来价值的多余的部分,比如,多余的物品、想法、关系以及活动。

    Minimalism is about reassessment of your priorities so that you can strip away the excess stuff - the possessions and ideas and relationships and activities - that don 't bring value to your life .

  4. 他的Plane吊灯摆弄出极简主义造型与几何图形——从任何一个角度欣赏,永远是实心球的模样。

    His Plane pendant plays with simple minimalist forms and geometry - looked at from any angle , it is always a full sphere .

  5. 他的Plane吊灯摆弄出极简主义造型与几何图形&从任何一个角度欣赏,永远是实心球的模样。

    His Plane pendant plays with simple minimalist forms and geometry & looked at from any angle , it is always a full sphere .

  6. 这家设计公司于14年前由马塞尔·万德斯创立,其销售的产品出了名的古怪,比如StudioJob那巨大的极简主义纸质家具。

    The design company , founded 14 years ago by Marcel Wanders , is known for selling eccentricities like Studio Job 's massive , stripped-down furniture made of paper .

  7. 我们悄然进入位于昔日公共租界(InternationalSettlement)的一幢现代风格建筑后,服务员把我们带至楼上的素餐厅,这儿的幽静私密包间几乎清一色用日式极简主义风格打造。

    We have slipped into a modern building in the former International Settlement and have been shown upstairs to the restaurant , where our quiet private room is decorated with an almost Japanese minimalism .

  8. 出于类似的原因,SuiteNewYork店里的一对极简主义风格的物品也很吸引他,其设计师是当代英国建筑师约翰·波森(JohnPawson)。

    A pair of minimalist objects from Suite New York , designed by John Pawson , the contemporary British architect , appealed for similar reasons .

  9. USD:在富有艺术性的案例威克道中,您是怎样具体运用极简主义的?

    USD : How did you apply the minimalism in the artful project – One North Wacker Drive ?

  10. 今晚带着您的朋友共同感受DJDiamon的极简主义节拍是您体验至HIGH的最佳选择。

    With your friends tonight common feeling DJ Diamon minimalist beat is your best choice to experience to HIGH .

  11. 和SelfEdge那种极简主义的画廊风格不同,布鲁克林丹宁把牛仔裤摞在桌上和货架上,在专业店员们的设计之下,购物体验最初有些吓人,其实却很方便。

    In contrast to the minimalist gallery approach of Self Edge , Brooklyn Denim stacks its jeans in piles on tables and shelves , an initially daunting shopping experience made navigable by the store 's expert staff .

  12. ScottHarris(V-25)、Prodesign(4134)等眼镜品牌的设计师率先打造了浮动镜片效果,采用了半透明的框架和极简主义风格的设计。

    Designers such as Scott Harris ( V-25 ) and Prodesign ( 4134 ) pioneer the floating lens effect , using partially clear frames and minimalism .

  13. 2008年,邱昊凭借建筑风格的极简主义手工织物获得国际羊毛标志大奖(InternationalWoolmarkPrize)。

    And in 2008 , Qiu Hao won the International Woolmark Prize , thanks to the hand-woven fabrics he uses in his minimalist , architectural looks .

  14. 菲拉格慕(SalvatoreFerragamo)的褶皱是极简主义,并受到军装风格影响。

    Pleats came minimalist and military-inflected at Salvatore Ferragamo .

  15. 极简主义(minimalist),又称最低限度艺术,指那些非比喻的、无参照的、几何的或仅仅是少而简单的风格。

    Minimalism ( minimalist ), also known as the minimum art , refers to those non-figurative , non-reference , geometry , or simply a small and simple style .

  16. 家具品牌&New联合创始人米尔卡格罗恩(MirkaGrohn)与乔威尔顿(JoWilton)也用烤漆钢板实现了优美线条与极简主义风格完美结合。

    Mirka Grohn and Jo Wilton , the co-founders of furniture brand & New , also achieve elegant lines and minimal forms using powder-coated steel .

  17. 法国收藏家尼古拉斯·凯特莱(NicolasCattelain)把八件极简主义作品借给了伦敦的千禧画廊(MillenniumGallery),包括索尔·莱威特(SolLeWitt)1967年创作的经典作品——白漆铝制雕塑《系列作品1号A6》(SerialProject#1,A6)。

    At the Millennium Gallery , eight works of Minimalism - including the classic 1967 Sol LeWitt white-painted aluminum sculpture " Serial Project \# 1 , A6 " - have been lent by the French collector Nicolas Cattelain in London .

  18. 做格拉梅西公园酒店(GramercyParkHotel)时,我们聘请了朱利安(朱利安·施纳贝尔[JulianSchnabel])来设计大堂,约翰·波森(JohnPawson)来设计客房。前者是极多主义者,后者是极简主义者,但我觉得他们的精神本质是协调的。

    When we did Gramercy Park Hotel we had Julian [ Schnabel ] do the lobby and he 's a maximalist , and we had John Pawson do the apartments and he is a minimalist , but to me they work together in spirit .

  19. 他创作这系列作品就是为了曝光许多Instagram用户都用过的拍照小窍门——不管是假装能摆出超出自己实际能力的瑜伽姿势,还是将他们混乱不堪的卧室伪装成宁静、极简主义的的工作室。

    The collection has been curated to expose the Instagram tricks that many users are guilty of - whether it 's pretending that they have a yoga prowess beyond their actual ability or that their messy bedroom is a calm , minimalist work space .

  20. 于是她开始在网上搜索“极简主义”。偶然在Pinterest上看到那些空空荡荡的漂亮卫生间和厨房,她开始感觉自己拥有的物品成了累赘。

    So she began searching for " minimalism " on the internet , happening on Pinterest pages of beautiful , empty bathrooms and kitchens , and she began to imagine that it was her stuff that was weighing her down .

  21. 由于奉行极简主义,该网站刚发布时几乎什么功能也没有,因此对每项新功能收费成为Ello今后的可能性之一。

    The site launched with hardly any features in order to be as simple as possible . That gives Ello the option of charging for each new feature it introduces .

  22. 众所周知,极简主义摄影就是少的艺术。

    Minimalist photography is known to be the art of less .

  23. 这也是为什么我成了一个极简主义者。

    That 's also the reason why I become a Minimalist .

  24. 美国风景园林大师彼得·沃克及其极简主义园林

    American Great Landscape Architect Peter Walker and His Minimalist Gardens

  25. 从深泽直人设计风格解读极简主义新内涵

    A Research on the New Connotation of Naoto Fukasawa 's Minimalist Design

  26. 我想这是作为极简主义者的好处吧。

    One of the benefits of being a minimalist , I suppose .

  27. 极简主义艺术及其对西方现代园林的影响

    Minimalist Art and Its Impact on Western Modern Landscape Design

  28. 从法国古典主义园林探寻极简主义的造园手法

    From French classical gardens researching for minimalism 's methods

  29. 当代景观中的极简主义是现代主义风格的一种延续和发展。

    The minimalism of contemporary landscape design is a continuance and development of modernism .

  30. 然而,极简主义开始大行其道。

    Increasingly , though , minimalism is in .