
  • 网络polarization
  1. 激光极化态对激光等离子体中电子所受有质动力的影响

    Effect of Polarization States of Laser on Ponderomotive Forces of the Laser-Produced Plasma Electrons

  2. 铁电铁弹材料常在极化态下工作,其性能受材料的微结构直接影响。

    Ferroelectric ferroelastic materials often work under polarization and their behaviors depend upon their microstructures .

  3. 结果表明:在SkyrmeHartreeFock框架内,同位旋非对称核物质会发生从非极化态到极化态的相变,而且发生相变的临界密度随同位旋非对称度增大而降低。

    It is shown within the Skyrme-Hartree-Fock framework that there is the ferromagnetic phase transition in the isospin asymmetric nuclear matter at some density , above which the nuclear matter becomes stable against spin fluctuation , and the critical density for the ferromagnetic transition decreases with increasing the asymmetry parameter .

  4. 极化态n&p散射

    N - p Scatter in the Polarized State

  5. 我国散射照度的计算及其地区分布极化态n&p散射

    The computation of diffuse illumination and its regional distribution in China N-P scatter in the polarized state

  6. 静磁场中双极化态弱平面引力波对高斯束的扰动能量

    Perturbation to the energy of Gaussian beam by a doubly polarized weak gravitational plane wave in a static magnetic field

  7. 并表明各算符间普遍存在简单循环对易关系,这种对易关系反映了不同极化态矢及各阶量子相干在脉冲序列各时间域哈密顿量作用下的演化规律。

    These commutation relations govern the evolution rules of different order coherences under the action of the Hamiltonian in various stage of pulse sequence .

  8. 提出了一个可以反映目标散射随机性随入射波极化态变化的新度量&随机度。

    In order to reflect the variation of target scattering randomness with the polarization sates of incident waves , a novel measure of target scattering randomness , which is called Degree of Randomness ( DoR ), is proposed .

  9. 讨论了处于静磁场中双极化态弱平面引力波对高斯束的一阶和二阶扰动能量,数值计算表明,引力波对整个电磁体系的能量扰动很小。

    First-order and second-order perturbations to the energy of Gaussian beam by a doubly polarized weak gravitational plane wave in static magnetic fields are discussed . The results of numerical estimation show that the perturbation to Gaussian beams by weak gravitational plane waves is very small , i.

  10. 据此,可以根据来波的极化性态正确选择校正器的工作范围,以提高校正器本身的最佳轴比性能,并降低残余干扰。

    According to the polarization situation of the coming wave , the best work region of the polarization corrector can be selected for improving the best axial ratio and decreasing the residual depolarization disturbance .

  11. 本文从自发极化对表面态电荷屏蔽的机制出发,讨论多晶铁电半导体晶界处肖特基势垒的特征,并作了数值估算。

    The characteristics of the Schottky barrier at grain boundaries in polycrystal-line ferroelectric semiconductors are discussed on the basis of the screening mechanism of spontaneous polarization to the surface state charges .

  12. 使用幅度直方图和相同参数下的各种分布模型进行比较,得出HH极化符合对数正态分布,而VV极化服从K-分布的结论;

    Through the comparison of amplitude histogram and distributed models with the same parameters , it is been shown that HH polarization clutter is lognormal distribution , whereas VV polarization is K - distribution ;