
  • 网络Superalgebra;hyperalgebra;super algebra
  1. 关于仿射超代数Uk

    On the Affine Hyperalgebra U_k

  2. SPL(21)超代数单参数非齐次微分实现

    One-parameter inhomogeneous differential realization of the SPL ( 2 | 1 ) super algebra

  3. 1998年,JinHong构造了Borcherds超代数的量子化包络代上的一个非退化对称双线性型。

    In 1998 ,, Jin Hong constructed a nondegenerate symmetric bilinear form .

  4. 关于超代数Un的主不可分解模的Weyl模滤过

    On the G-Filtration of Principal Indecomposable Modules for Hyperalgebra u_n with Quotients Isomorphic to Weyl Modules

  5. SPL(2,1)超代数的微分实现和玻色-费米实现

    Differential realization and BOSON-FERMION realization of the spl ( 2,1 ) superalgebra

  6. OSP(1,2)超代数玻色-费米表示的一种新形式

    A new form of BOSON-FERMION representation of the osp ( 1,2 ) superalgebra

  7. 本文引入了单一实参数,构造了SPL(21)超代数的单参数4维初等表示,获得了SPL(21)超代数单参数齐次微分实现和非齐次微分实现。

    One-parameter inhomogeneous differential realization of the SPL ( 2 | 1 ) super algebra is obtained in terms of one parameter .

  8. 超代数系统理论在纯粹数学和应用数学的许多方面都有应用。

    The hyper algebraic system theory is used in many aspects of pure and applied mathematics .

  9. 超对称代数GSU2的研究Ⅰ.不可约表示.C&G系数

    Studying to the supper-symmetric algebra gsu_2 I. irreducible representations and C-G coefficient

  10. 超对称代数GSU2的研究Ⅱ.Racah系数和不可约张量算符

    STUDYING TO SUPER-SYMMETRIC ALGEBRA GSU_2 ⅱ . Racah Coefficient and irreducible tensor operator

  11. 一种面向对象的超媒体代数视频数据模型

    A Object - Orientated Hypermedia Algebraic Video Data Model

  12. 通过分析超分布代数的一系列子空间和子代数,我们引入了超分布的层的概念。

    By analysis for a series of subspaces and subalgebra in the ultradistribution algebra , a concept of the layer of an ultradistribution is introduced .

  13. 该文研究了这一问题,通过沿周向的离散化将弹性波散射的边界条件归结为一个超定线性代数方程组。

    The elastic wave scattering of a cylinder with inhomogeneous interface properties is studied by use of wave function expansion method .

  14. 本文的创新成果具体如下:首先,我们讨论了软集合的代数超结构,代数超结构是代数结构的扩展。

    The contributions of this thesis are concretely as follows : Firstly , we consider the algebraic hyperstructures of soft sets .

  15. 通过使用超滤子的概念以及所讨论的模糊理想的相应性质,提出了超积BCK-代数和BCK-代数模糊子集的模糊超积。

    This paper is devoted to the ultraproduct BCK-algebras and the fuzzy ultraproduct of fuzzy subsets of BCK-algebras were proposed by using the concept of ultrafilters with the corresponding properties of fuzzy ideals discussed .

  16. 首先将二阶Euler-Lagrange方程组化为一阶超定微分/代数方程组,然后通过引入附加Lagrange乘子的方法构造了相应的约束稳定算法。

    The second order Euler-Lagrange equations are transformed to a set of first order overdetermined differential / algebraic equations . The corresponding constraint stabilization algorithm is constructed based on lagrange multiplies .

  17. 实验计算结果表明,引入属性矩阵和变超松弛系数的代数迭代法能够较好的重建非完全数据投影的待测场,极大地提高重建精度,较好地与实测结果吻合。

    The reconstruction results indicate that the algorithm with property matrix and unfixed ultra - relaxation coefficient can reconstruct the flow field of incomplete data satisfactorily , improve the reconstruction precision greatly , and match the measured results .