
  • 网络ultrasound;ultrasonic technique;HiFu
  1. MRI与超声技术在胶质细胞瘤的诊断中不断改进,增强了临床诊断价值。

    MRI and ultrasound technique have improved the diagnosis of glioblastoma and increased clinical value for themselves .

  2. 利用心脏多普勒超声技术,研究小组进一步检测了在择期PCI过程中超声检测的微栓塞的发生率和心肌坏死的发生率之间的关系。

    Using intracoronary Doppler ultrasound , the team investigated further by looking at the frequency of Doppler-detected microembolism in relation to the incidence of myonecrosis during elective PCI .

  3. 方法采用超声技术提取熊果酸,并采用高效液相色谱(HPLC)法测定其含量。

    Methods Ultrasonic technology was used to extract ursolic acid and determine the content by HPLC .

  4. 目的探索应用多普勒超声技术估测全肺阻力(TPR)的新方法。

    Objective To seek a new method for noninvasive estimation of the total pulmonary resistance ( TPR ) .

  5. 方法应用超声技术检测67例FD患者远、近端胃排空运动,并与100例正常人对照。

    Methods The distal , proximal gastric emptying of 67 patients with FD and 100 healthy subjects ( HS ) as control group were observed by sonography .

  6. 目的研究透析相关性淀粉样变(DRA)的声像图特点,评价超声技术对DRA的诊断价值。

    Objective To evaluate the value of high resolution ultrasound diagnosing on the dialysis related amyloidosis ( DRA ) .

  7. 方法利用多普勒超声技术检测了100例肝硬化门脉高压患者及24例正常人门脉血流动力学状态,并将100例肝硬化门脉高压患者按ChildPugh肝功能分级分析两者之间的关系。

    Methods The portal system hemodynamics of portal hypertension were examined in 100 patients with cirrhosis and 24 normal subjects used color Doppler ultrasound and 100 cirrhosis patients were graded by the Child Pugh grade .

  8. 超声技术应用于骨龄的检测目前还处于探索阶段,超声速(SOS)在超声骨龄判读中是一项重要的指标,本文将儿童青少年发育过程中SOS变化特点进行探讨。

    Applying ultrasonic technology to measurement of bone age is still at an exploring stage . SOS is an important index in the measurement . The article discusses the characteristics of SOS in adolescency .

  9. 用高分辨超声技术检测各组对象的肱动脉内皮依赖性舒张功能、颈动脉平均内中膜厚度、颈动脉斑块发生率、Crouse积分及心脏超声。

    The humeral arterial endothelium-dependent vasodilatation and carotid arterial mean intimal-medial thickness and carotid plaques and left ventricular structure were measured with high resolution ultrasonography for each group .

  10. 目的:超声技术广泛应用于动脉穿刺置管。

    Objective : Ultrasonic technology is widely used in arterial catheterization .

  11. 高频超声技术用于陶瓷零部件的无损评价和寿命预测

    Ultrasonic Nondestructive Evaluation and Life Predication for Ceramic Parts of Engine

  12. 甲状腺血管能量三维超声技术相关技巧探讨

    Evaluation of the Associated Skills with Three-Dimensional Vascular Energy Ultrasonography in Thyroid

  13. 定量超声技术检测学龄期儿童骨状况的价值研究

    The research of the ultrasound bone measurement of school-age children

  14. 应用超声技术诊断绝经后妇女骨质疏松

    Use the ultrasound technique in diagnosis of postmenopause women osteoporosis

  15. 颈动脉超声技术与儿童临床前动脉粥样硬化危险因素

    Carotid Ultrasound Technique and the Risk Factors for Pre-clinical Atherosclerosis in Children

  16. 应用血管内超声技术识别冠状动脉粥样斑块

    Intravascular ultrasound study on characteristics of coronary artery atherosclerotic plaques

  17. 超声技术在提取中药碱类成分中的应用

    Application of Ultrasonic Technology to Extracting Alkali Components from Chinese Medicinal Materials

  18. 目的:应用介入性超声技术,减少困难人工流产的并发症。

    Objective To reduce the complications in induced abortions by intervening ultrasonic B.

  19. 临床超声技术在腹部淋巴结病变检查治疗中的应用

    Ultrasonic Application in the Diagnoses of Abdominal Lymph Node Disease

  20. 导波超声技术检测带套管管道的腐蚀

    Corrosion Detection of Sleeved Pipe by Guided Wave Ultrasonic Technique

  21. 超声技术在橘皮中提取橙皮苷的应用

    Application of Ultrasonic Technique for Extracting Hesperidin from Citrus Peel

  22. 用超声技术测水煤浆中煤浓度的试探

    Measurement of coal concentration in coal - water slurry by ultrasonic technique

  23. 超声技术已经被证明能够暂时性的增强细胞膜的渗透性。

    Ultrasound application has been demonstrated can transiently increase the cell membrane permeability .

  24. 经食管超声技术检测房间隔厚度及其与左心房血流动力学的关系

    Transesophageal echocardiographic study of atrial septal thickness and movement

  25. 定量超声技术对早期婴儿骨状况的评估作用

    Evaluation on the status of bone in early infants detected with quantitative ultrasound

  26. 超声技术降解水溶液中甲基紫

    Degradation of methyl violet in aqueous solution ultrasonic technique

  27. 方法:收集诊断为根管内异物的门诊患者177例214个患牙,用超声技术去除根管内异物。

    METHODS : Patients with intracanal foreign matter were treated by ultrasonic technique .

  28. 超声技术在混凝土测强中的应用

    Test concrete strength by using the technology of ultrasound

  29. 用于表面缺陷检测的激光超声技术

    Laser ultrasound technology for the detection of surface defaults

  30. 实时超声技术在胆管癌诊断和腔内放疗中的应用

    Application of Ultrasonography to Diagnosis and Brachytherapy of Cholangiocarcinoma