
  • 网络limit state design method;limit-state design method
  1. 极限状态设计法及应用

    Development and application of limit state design

  2. 确定单锚板桩墙入土深度的概率极限状态设计法

    Probability Limit State Design Method for Determining the Depth of Single & anchored Sheet Pile Wall Penetrating into Earth

  3. 极限状态设计法在国家最新颁布的《起重机设计规范》(GB/T3811-2008)已经提出,同传统的许用应力法并列为起重机钢结构的设计方法。

    Limit states design method ( LSDM ) has been proposed as a parallel design method to the allowable stress method ( ASM ) in the standard of crane design ( GB / T3811-2008 ) .

  4. 概率极限状态设计法在确定地基承载力中的应用

    The Application of Probabilistic Limit State Method in Confirming the Bearing Capacity of Foundation Soil

  5. 对薄弱连接板和转换厚板,采用中震承载力极限状态设计法。

    The transfer plate and weak-linking slab were designed by the ultimate strength design method under medium earthquake .

  6. 但目前的单一安全系数法不能真实地反映结构的安全程度,宜采用分项系数极限状态设计法。

    Now the single safety coefficient method cannot really reflect the safety level of the structure , and the partial factor limit states method should be used .

  7. 因此,研究雨水管网的可靠性,采取基于可靠性理论的概率极限状态设计法来设计雨水管网有着重要的实际意义。

    So studying reliability of rainwater pipe network and adopting probability limit state design method based on reliability theory to design rainwater pipe network have important actual meanings .

  8. 以钢结构设计原理中的极限状态设计法或容许应力法为基础,阐述了预应力加固钢结构的分阶段加固设计计算原理和方法。

    Based on limit-state design method in steel structure design principle , the principle and method of phased strengthening design of steel structures strengthened by prestressing is represented here .

  9. 通过对双层钢板混凝土复合钻井井壁结构多种设计方法的分析,提出比较合理的设计方法是采用概率极限状态设计法。

    By the analysis of multiple design method to composite drilling shaft lining structure of concrete and double steel cylinder , the comparative appropriate design method of probability limit state is presented .

  10. 新规范以概率极限状态设计法取代原规范的定值设计法,使路面结构更为符合实际情况。

    The probability limit condition design methods in the new specifications substitutes for the definite value design methods in the original specifications and causes the pavement structure to conform to the actual situation .

  11. 现在的工程结构设计都已采用以概率理论为基础的极限状态设计法,但计算中的参数多为随机变量,因此要选择某一概率分布函数来描述随机变量的特征。

    Probability-based limit condition is adopted in the present engineering structural design , but the parameters for computation are mostly random variables . Therefore a certain probability distribute function is needed to describe random variables .

  12. 在计算方法上不是采用现行《钢结构设计规范》中的极限状态设计法及其较繁的计算公式,而是采用锅炉行业过去习惯采用的许用应力设计法及其较简单的计算公式。

    As for the calculation , the old allowable stress design method and the more simple formula are adopted , not the present limit condition calculation method and its complicated formula stated in the 《 Steel Structure Design Code 》 .

  13. 基于极限状态设计法,设计了适用于我国战略石油储备用的超大型浮式储油船系泊地点处所的防波堤,并采用蒙特卡罗法模拟了防波堤的失效概率。

    Based on the Ultimate State Method , the breakwater of mooring site of very large floating oil storage vessels for strategic petroleum reserve in China was designed , and the failure probability of breakwater was calculated based on Monte Carlo Method .

  14. 通过对实测荷载值的统计分析,再经荷载效应组合,确定了钻井井壁荷载标准值及其分布函数,这为钻井井壁设计向概率极限状态设计法过渡提供了重要参数。

    By statistical analysis on practical measuring data and organization of load effect , the normal load value and its distributive function are defined , which will provide important reference to the transition from drilling shaft lining design to probabilistic limit state design .

  15. 鉴于公路桥梁结构设计由长期沿用的定值设计法向概率极限状态设计法转变已经势在必行且迫在眉睫,故论文将研究重点放在结构可靠度理论在公路桥梁设计中若干应用方面。

    Given the structural design of highway bridges from the long-standing practice of " constant design method " to " probabilistic ultimate state design method " is imperative and urgent change , so the paper will focus on structural reliability theory which is applied in the design of highway bridges .

  16. 简述了可靠性分析的特点,提出了三种分析方法:校准法、概率极限状态直接设计法、概率极限状态间接设计法。

    The characteristic of reliability analysis recited , and three method of reliability analysis brought forward : adjusting method , direct designing method for limiting state by the probability , in direct designing method for limiting state by the probability .

  17. 近年来,基于结构极限强度的极限状态设计法在结构工程领域中得到了快速的发展。

    Recently , the design methods on the ultimate load bearing capacity of ship hull structure have been rapidly developed .

  18. 本文主要以重力坝双斜面抗滑稳定作为研究对象,应用刚体极限平衡法、极限状态设计法及有限元方法对重力坝抗滑稳定性进行了分析评价。

    On the basis of research achievement , a new design method on durability of concrete structure , which is used to check the durability ultimate state , is suggested in the article .