
  • 网络Clipping Planes
  1. 平面裁剪是计算机图形设计和处理中的基本问题之一。

    The 20 clipping is one of the basic problems in Computer Graphics .

  2. 浅论立体裁剪与平面裁剪云纹干涉法测量铁电陶瓷的离面位移

    Application of Moire Interferometry for Measuring the Out of plane Displacement in Ferroelectric Ceramics

  3. 通过立体裁剪和平面裁剪相结合的方法,构成男子裤装原型结构;

    Constitute the prototype of man 's trousers by combining plane cutting with dropping cutting ;

  4. 服装斜裁是介于平面裁剪和立体裁剪之间的一种45°斜向裁剪方法。

    Bias cut is a method cuting on a diagonal ( 45 °), a technique lies between planar cuting and three-dimensional cuting .

  5. 但这种斜裁方法是一种通过平面裁剪得到粗略服装板型后需在人台上进行修正的方法。

    But bias cut is a kind of method needing correction on the mannequin after getting a rough clothing pattern through flat pattern making .

  6. 在服装纸样的设计中,只有把立体裁剪与平面裁剪有机地融合在一起,才能得到高效准确的服装造型。

    So in the paper modeling design , only when the stereoscopic cutting out and plane cutting out are combined effectively , can the accurate and efficient garment design be worked out .

  7. 彝族服饰不仅传承了中国传统服饰的平面裁剪结构,更重要的是带有其本民族特色的宗教信仰文化和独特的审美情趣,从而成为中国民族服饰艺术宝库中的一朵奇葩。

    Yi dress is not only inherited the traditional Chinese attire plane cutting structures , but also had the religious beliefs of their native culture and the unique characteristics of aesthetic taste , so that it becomes the wonderful work as an art treasure in national dress .

  8. 平面多边形裁剪算法评述

    Comment on plane polygon clipping algorithms

  9. 对平面图形进行内外裁剪的统一算法重复性的几何式布局;

    An Algorithm for the Inside and Outside Cut-off of Geometrical Pattern geometrical layout ;

  10. 首先,让我们将经过变换处理的平面顶点放入到裁剪空间里,然后设置其的纹理坐标。

    First , let 's start off by just transforming the plane vertices into clip space and setting their texture co-ordinates .